Distributed Dask Data Processing & LightGBM Training

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In this example, we show how you can use Runhouse to launch a multi-node Dask cluster and use it to preprocess data and then train a LightGBM model. The dataset we use is a 1 year sample of the NYC Taxi Dataset, which we do some illustrative pre-processing over to show the power of Dask to perform distributed operations. Then, LightGBM is used to do a distributed training over the data, using the Dask cluster.

import cloudpickle import dask.array as da import dask.dataframe as dd import lightgbm as lgb import numpy as np import runhouse as rh from dask.distributed import Client from dask_ml.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error from dask_ml.model_selection import train_test_split

Define the LightGBM Model Trainer Class

We use this class to encapsulate the training and define the methods for data pre-processing, training, and evaluation. We will send this trainer to the cluster we bring up from on-demand compute below, and create a remote instance of this class. This is regular undecorated Python, with regular Dask and LightGBM operations to train the model.

class LightGBMModelTrainer: def __init__(self): self.model = None self.dataset = None self.X_train = None self.X_test = None self.X_eval = None self.y_train = None self.y_test = None self.y_eval = None self.client = None self.mae = None self.mse = None self.features = None def load_client(self, ip="localhost", port="8786"): self.client = Client(f"tcp://{ip}:{port}") def load_data(self, data_path): self.dataset = dd.read_parquet(data_path) print(self.dataset.columns) def train_test_split(self, target_var, features=None): if features is None: features = self.dataset.columns.difference([target_var]) X = self.dataset[features] y = self.dataset[target_var] self.X_train, self.X_test, self.y_train, self.y_test = train_test_split( X, y, test_size=0.3, shuffle=False ) self.X_eval, self.X_train, self.y_eval, self.y_train = train_test_split( self.X_test, self.y_test, test_size=0.5, shuffle=False ) self.features = features def preprocess(self, date_column): self.dataset["day"] = self.dataset[date_column].dt.day self.dataset["month"] = self.dataset[date_column].dt.month self.dataset["dayofweek"] = self.dataset[date_column].dt.dayofweek self.dataset["hour"] = self.dataset[date_column].dt.hour return ["day", "month", "dayofweek", "hour"] def train_model(self): self.load_client() self.model = lgb.DaskLGBMRegressor(client=self.client) self.model.fit( self.X_train.to_dask_array(), self.y_train.to_dask_array(), eval_set=[(self.X_eval.to_dask_array(), self.y_eval.to_dask_array())], ) print("Model trained successfully.", self.model) def test_model(self): self.load_client() if self.model is None: raise Exception("Model not trained yet. Please train the model first.") if self.X_test is None or self.y_test is None: raise Exception( "Test data not loaded yet. Please load the test data first." ) y_pred = self.model.predict(self.X_test) y_test = self.y_test.to_dask_array().rechunk(y_pred.chunks) self.mae = mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred) print(f"Mean Absolute Error: {self.mae}") self.mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred) print(f"Mean Squared Error: {self.mse}") def return_model_details(self): return {"features": self.features, "mse": self.mse, "mae": self.mae} def save_model(self, path, upload_to_s3=False): if path.startswith("s3://"): import s3fs with s3fs.S3FileSystem() as s3: with s3.open(path, "wb") as f: cloudpickle.dump(self.model, f) elif path.startswith("gs://"): import gcsfs fs = gcsfs.GCSFileSystem() with fs.open(path, "wb") as f: cloudpickle.dump(self.model, f) else: # Save to disk with open(path, "wb") as f: cloudpickle.dump(self.model, f) def predict(self, X): if isinstance(X, dd.DataFrame): # Check for Dask DataFrame result = self.model.predict(X.to_dask_array()) elif isinstance(X, (list, tuple)): # Check for list or tuple X = da.from_array(np.array(X).reshape(1, -1), chunks=(1, 7)) result = self.model.predict(X) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported data type for prediction.") return float(result.compute()[0])

Launch Compute and Run the Training

We will now launch Runhouse compute with multiple nodes and use it to train a LightGBM model. We will first provide the required package installs to a 3 node spot instance cluster on GCP.

if __name__ == "__main__":

Define Runhouse compute with multiple nodes

num_nodes = 3 cluster_name = f"rh-{num_nodes}-dask-gcp"

The environment for the remote cluster

img = rh.images.dask().install_packages( [ "gcsfs", "lightgbm", ] ) cpus = rh.compute( name=cluster_name, instance_type="n2-highmem-8", # We can specify instance name or required resources num_nodes=num_nodes, # Runhouse will automatically wire up multiple nodes into a Dask cluster use_spot=True, # We can use Spot instances for significant cost savings image=img, ).up_if_not()

Setup the remote training

Now we can dispatch the model trainer class to remote, and create a remote instance of the trainer class This remote instance is fully locally interactible, and we can call methods on it as if it were local. Importantly, we use .distribute("dask") to start the Dask cluster and indicate this will be used with Dask

remote_dask_trainer = rh.cls(LightGBMModelTrainer).to(cpus) dask_trainer = remote_dask_trainer(name="my_trainer").distribute( "dask" ) # You can also start the Dask cluster with cpus.connect_dask() cpus.ssh_tunnel("8787", "8787") # Forward the Dask dashboard to local

Now we call the remote model trainer class methods to do the training.

data_path = "gs://rh-demo-external/taxi_parquet" # NYC Taxi Data X_vars = ["passenger_count", "trip_distance", "fare_amount"] y_var = "tip_amount" dask_trainer.load_client() dask_trainer.load_data(data_path) new_date_columns = dask_trainer.preprocess(date_column="tpep_pickup_datetime") X_vars = X_vars + new_date_columns dask_trainer.train_test_split(target_var=y_var, features=X_vars) dask_trainer.train_model() print("Model trained") dask_trainer.test_model() print("Model tested") dask_trainer.save_model("gs://rh-model-checkpoints/lightgbm_dask/model.pkl") print("Model saved") cpus.notebook() # Optionally, open a Jupyter notebook on the cluster to interact with the Dask cluster