This basic Airflow example combines CPU processing on AWS, storage on S3, and GPU processing on Google Cloud. There are several reasons why you might want to use multiple clouds in a single workflow:
The Torch model is identical to our Torch training example.
Optionally, set up a virtual environment:
$ conda create -n demo-runhouse python=3.10 $ conda activate demo-runhouse
Install the required dependencies:
$ pip install "runhouse[aws]" torch torchvision airflow
We'll be launching an AWS EC2 GCP instance via SkyPilot, so we need to make sure our AWS credentials are set up:
$ aws configure $ gcloud init $ gcloud auth application-default login $ sky check
Import some other libraries we need - namely Airflow, Runhouse, and a few others.
import logging import os import sys from datetime import datetime, timedelta import runhouse as rh from airflow import DAG from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
This class is the same as the example in
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) from DataProcessing import download_folder_from_s3, upload_folder_to_s3 from TorchBasicExample import download_data, preprocess_data, SimpleTrainer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) cpu_cluster_name = "cpu-cluster" # To be used later to name the clusters we raise gpu_cluster_name = "gpu-cluster" def get_cluster(**kwargs): img = rh.Image("pytorch").install_packages(["torch", "torchvision"]) cluster = rh.compute( name=kwargs.get("cluster_name", "rh-cluster"), instance_type=kwargs.get("instance_type", None), gpus=kwargs.get("gpus", None), provider=kwargs.get("provider", "aws"), image=img, ).up_if_not() cluster.sync_secrets(["aws"]) return cluster
These will be called in sequence by the Airflow PythonOperator. Each task in the Airflow DAG becomes minimal. These callables define both what tasks are run and also where the tasks are run - essentially, programatically controlling the dispatch.
We can bring up an on-demand cluster using Runhouse. You can access powerful usage patterns by defining compute in code. All subsequent steps connect to this cluster by name, but you can bring up other clusters for other steps.
def bring_up_cluster_callable(**kwargs):"Connecting to remote cluster") cluster = get_cluster(**kwargs) print(cluster.is_up())
We will send the function to download data to the remote cluster and then invoke it to download the data to the remote machine. You can imagine that this is a data access or pre-processing step after which data is prepared.
def access_data_callable(**kwargs):"Step 3: Preprocess the Data") cluster = get_cluster(**kwargs) remote_download = rh.function(download_data).to(cluster)"Download function sent to remote") remote_download()"Data downloaded")
Now execute the preprocessing on the CPU-only cluster
def preprocess_data_callable(**kwargs): cluster = get_cluster(**kwargs) remote_preprocess_data = rh.function(preprocess_data).to(cluster) remote_upload = rh.function(upload_folder_to_s3).to(cluster)"Data preprocessing and upload functions sent to cluster") remote_preprocess_data("./data")"Data preprocessed") remote_upload("./data", "rh-demo-external", "torch-training-example")"Saved to S3")
Download the data from S3, onto a newly launched cluster.
def download_s3_data_callable(**kwargs): cluster = get_cluster(**kwargs) s3_download = rh.function(download_folder_from_s3).to(cluster) s3_download("rh-demo-external", "torch-training-example", "./data")
Then we instantiate the trainer, and then invoke the training on the remote machine. On the remote, we have a GPU. This is also a natural point to split the workflow if we want to do some tasks on GPU and some on CPU.
def train_model_callable(**kwargs):"Step 4: Train Model") cluster = get_cluster(**kwargs) remote_torch_example = rh.cls(SimpleTrainer).to( cluster, name="torch-basic-training" ) model = remote_torch_example() batch_size = 64 epochs = 5 learning_rate = 0.01 cluster.run_bash(["ls"]) model.load_train("./data", batch_size) model.load_test("./data", batch_size) for epoch in range(epochs): model.train_model(learning_rate=learning_rate) model.test_model() model.save_model( bucket_name="my-simple-torch-model-example", s3_file_path=f"checkpoints/model_epoch_{epoch + 1}.pth", )
We programatically down the cluster, but we can also reuse this cluster by name.
def down_cluster(**kwargs): cluster = get_cluster(**kwargs) cluster.teardown()
This is a simple DAG with multiple steps. Each step is a PythonOperator that calls a function defined above.
default_args = { "owner": "paul", "depends_on_past": False, "start_date": datetime(2024, 8, 6), "email_on_failure": False, "email_on_retry": False, "retries": 1, "retry_delay": timedelta(minutes=5), } cpu_cluster_config = { "cluster_name": "cpu-cluster", "instance_type": "r6i.xlarge", "provider": "aws", } gpu_cluster_config = { "cluster_name": "gpu-cluster", "gpus": "L4:1", "provider": "gcp", } dag = DAG( "pytorch_training_pipeline_example_multicloud", default_args=default_args, description="A simple PyTorch training DAG with multiple steps", schedule=timedelta(days=1), ) run_sky_status = BashOperator( task_id="run_sky_status", bash_command="sky status", dag=dag, ) bring_up_cluster_task = PythonOperator( task_id="bring_up_cluster_task", python_callable=bring_up_cluster_callable, op_kwargs=cpu_cluster_config, dag=dag, ) access_data_task = PythonOperator( task_id="access_data_task", python_callable=access_data_callable, op_kwargs=cpu_cluster_config, dag=dag, ) preprocess_data_task = PythonOperator( task_id="preprocess_data_task", python_callable=preprocess_data_callable, op_kwargs=cpu_cluster_config, dag=dag, ) bring_up_gpu_cluster_task = PythonOperator( task_id="bring_up_gpu_cluster_task", python_callable=bring_up_cluster_callable, op_kwargs=gpu_cluster_config, dag=dag, ) download_data_from_s3_task = PythonOperator( task_id="download_data_from_s3_task", python_callable=download_s3_data_callable, op_kwargs=gpu_cluster_config, dag=dag, ) train_model_task = PythonOperator( task_id="train_model_task", python_callable=train_model_callable, op_kwargs=gpu_cluster_config, dag=dag, ) down_cluster_task = PythonOperator( task_id="down_cluster_task", python_callable=down_cluster, op_kwargs=cpu_cluster_config, dag=dag, ) down_gpu_cluster_task = PythonOperator( task_id="down_gpu_cluster_task", python_callable=down_cluster, op_kwargs=gpu_cluster_config, dag=dag, )
You can see that this is an incredibly minimal amount of code in Airflow. The callables are callable from the DAG. But you can also run them from a Python script, from a notebook, or anywhere else - so you can instantly iterate on the underlying classes, the functions, and by the time they run locally, they are ready for prime time in your DAG.
( run_sky_status >> bring_up_cluster_task >> access_data_task >> preprocess_data_task >> bring_up_gpu_cluster_task >> download_data_from_s3_task >> train_model_task >> down_cluster_task >> down_gpu_cluster_task )