Data: Folders

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Runhouse has several abstractions to provide a simple interface for storing, recalling, and moving data between the user’s laptop, remote compute, cloud storage, and specialized storage (e.g. data warehouses).

The Folder APIs provide least-common-denominator APIs across providers, allowing users to easily specify the actions they want to take on the data without needed to dig into provider-specific APIs.

Install Runhouse and Setup Cluster

!pip install "runhouse[aws]"
import runhouse as rh

Optionally, login to Runhouse to sync credentials.

!runhouse login

We also construct a Runhouse cluster object that we will use throughout the tutorial. We won’t go in depth about clusters in this tutorial, but you can refer to Getting Started for setup instructions, or the Compute API tutorial for a more in-depth walkthrough of clusters.

cluster = rh.ondemand_cluster( name="cpu-cluster", instance_type="CPU:8", provider="cheapest", # "AWS", "GCP", "Azure", "Lambda", or "cheapest" (default) autostop_mins=60, # Optional, defaults to default_autostop_mins; -1 suspends autostop ) cluster.up()


The Runhouse Folder API allows for creating references to folders, and syncing them between local, remote clusters, or file storage (S3 and GCS).

Let’s construct a sample dummy folder locally, that we’ll use to demonstrate.

import os folder_name = "sample_folder" os.makedirs(folder_name, exist_ok=True) for i in range(5): with open(f'{folder_name}/{i}.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('i') local_path = f"{os.getcwd()}/{folder_name}"

To create a folder object, use the rh.folder() factory function, and use .to() to send the folder to a remote cluster.

local_folder = rh.folder(path=f"{os.getcwd()}/{folder_name}") cluster_folder =, path=folder_name)[f"ls {folder_name}"])
INFO | 2023-08-29 19:45:52.597164 | Copying folder from file:///Users/caroline/Documents/runhouse/runhouse/docs/notebooks/basics/sample_folder to: cpu-cluster, with path: sample_folder
INFO | 2023-08-29 19:45:54.633598 | Running command on cpu-cluster: ls sample_folder
[(0, '0.txtn1.txtn2.txtn3.txtn4.txtn', '')]

You can also send the folder to file storage, such as S3, GS, and Azure.

s3_folder ="s3")
INFO | 2023-08-29 19:47:47.618511 | Copying folder from file:///Users/caroline/Documents/runhouse/runhouse/docs/notebooks/basics/sample_folder to: s3, with path: /runhouse-folder/a6f195296945409da432b2981f984ae7
INFO | 2023-08-29 19:47:47.721743 | Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials
INFO | 2023-08-29 19:47:48.796181 | Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials
['0.txt', '1.txt', '2.txt', '3.txt', '4.txt']

Similarly, you can send folders from a cluster to file storage, cluster to cluster, or file storage to file storage. These are all done without bouncing the folder off local. # cluster to cluster"s3") # cluster to fs # fs to cluster"gs") # fs to fs

Now that you understand the basics, feel free to play around with more complicated scenarios! You can also check out our additional API and example usage tutorials on our docs site.

Cluster Termination

!sky down cpu-cluster # or cluster.teardown()
 Terminating cpu-cluster