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Runhouse provides a convenient interface for managing your secrets in a secure manner. Secrets are stored in Vault, and never on Runhouse servers.
See the Accessibility API tutorial for more details on using the Secrets API.
Builds an instance of Secret
name (str, optional) – Name to assign the secret resource.
values (Dict, optional) – Dictionary of secret key-value pairs.
load_from_den (bool) – Whether to try loading the secret from Den. (Default: True
dryrun (bool, optional) – Whether to create in dryrun mode. (Default: False)
The resulting Secret object.
>>> rh.secret("in_memory_secret", values={"secret_key": "secret_val"})
Builds an instance of ProviderSecret
. At most one of values, path, and env_vars
can be provided, to maintain one source of truth. If None are provided, will infer the values
from the default path or env vars for the given provider.
provider (str) – Provider corresponding to the secret (e.g. “aws”, “gcp”). To see all supported provider
types, run rh.Secret.builtin_providers(as_str=True)
name (str, optional) – Name to assign the resource. If none is provided, resource name defaults to the provider name.
values (Dict, optional) – Dictionary mapping of secret keys and values.
path (str, optional) – Path where the secret values are held.
env_vars (Dict, optional) – Dictionary mapping secret keys to the corresponding environment variable key.
load_from_den (bool) – Whether to try loading the secret from Den. (Default: True
dryrun (bool) – Whether to create in dryrun mode. (Default: False
The resulting provider secret object.
>>> aws_secret = rh.provider_secret("aws") >>> gcp_secret = rh.provider("gcp", path="~/.gcp/credentials") >>> lamdba_secret = rh.provider_secret("lambda", values={"api_key": "xxxxx"})
- __init__(name: str | None, values: Dict = None, dryrun: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]
Runhouse Secret object.
To create a Secret, please use one of the factory methods.
Return list of all Runhouse providers (as class objects) supported out of the box.
as_str (bool, optional) – Whether to return the providers as a string or as a class.
(Default: False
Delete the secret config from Den and from Vault/local.
Extract secret values from providers. Returns a Dict mapping the provider name to Secret.
names (List[str]) – List of provider names to extract secrets for. If None
, returns
secrets for all detected providers. (Default: None
Load or construct resource from config.
config (Dict) – Resource config.
dryrun (bool, optional) – Whether to construct resource or load as dryrun (Default: False
Load existing Resource via its name.
name (str) – Name of the resource to load from name.
load_from_den (bool, optional) – Whether to try loading the module from Den. (Default: True
dryrun (bool, optional) – Whether to construct the object or load as dryrun. (Default: False
Whether the secret config is stored locally (as opposed to Vault).
Whether the secret is stored in Vault
Get list of local secrets.
names (List[str], optional) – Specific names of local secrets to retrieve. If None
, returns all
locally detected secrets. (Default: None
Save the secret config to Den. Save the secret values into Vault if the user is logged in, or to local if not or if the resource is a local resource.
name (str, optional) – Name to save the secret resource as.
save_values (str, optional) – Whether to save the values of the secret to Vault in addition
to saving the metadata to Den. (Default: True
headers (Dict, optional) – Request headers to provide for the request to Den. Contains the
user’s auth token. Example: {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
(Default: None
folder (str, optional) – If specified, save the secret to that folder in Den (e.g. saving secrets
for a cluster associated with an organization). (Default: None
Return a copy of the secret on a system.
system (str or Cluster) – Cluster to send the secret to
name (str, optional) – Name to assign the resource on the cluster.
process (str, optional) – Process on the cluster to send the secret to.
>>>, path=secret.path)
Get secret names that are stored in Vault
- __init__(name: str | None = None, provider: str | None = None, values: Dict = None, path: str = None, env_vars: Dict = None, dryrun: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]
Provider Secret class. Built-in provider classes contain default path and/or environment variable mappings, based on it’s expected usage.
Currently supported built-in providers: anthropic, aws, azure, gcp, github, huggingface, lambda, langchain, openai, pinecone, ssh, sky, wandb.
To create a ProviderSecret, please use the factory method
Delete the secret config from Den and from Vault/local. Optionally also delete contents of secret file or env vars.
Create a ProviderSecret object from a config dictionary.
Save the secret config to Den. Save the secret values into Vault if the user is logged in, or to local if not or if the resource is a local resource.
name (str, optional) – Name to save the secret resource as.
save_values (str, optional) – Whether to save the values of the secret to Vault in addition
to saving the metadata to Den. (Default: True
headers (Dict, optional) – Request headers to provide for the request to Den. Contains the
user’s auth token. Example: {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
(Default: None
folder (str, optional) – If specified, save the secret to that folder in Den (e.g. saving secrets
for a cluster associated with an organization). (Default: None
Return a copy of the secret on a system.
system (str or Cluster) – Cluster to send the secret to
path (str or Path, optional) – Path on cluster to write down the secret values to. If not provided and secret is not already associated with a path, the secret values will not be written down on the cluster.
process (str, optional) – Process on the cluster to send the secret to, to set the secret env var values inside the process.
values (bool, optional) – Whether to save down the values in the resource config. By default, save down values if the secret is not being written down to a file or environment variable. Otherwise, values are not written down. (Default: None)
name (str, ooptional) – Name to assign the resource on the cluster.
>>>, path=secret.path)
Bases: ProviderSecret
To create an AWSSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="aws"
Bases: ProviderSecret
To create an AzureSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="azure"
Bases: ProviderSecret
To create a GCPSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="gcp"
Bases: ProviderSecret
To create a GitHubSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="github"
Bases: ProviderSecret
To create a HuggingFaceSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
Bases: ProviderSecret
To create a KubeConfigSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider=="kubernetes"
Bases: ProviderSecret
To create a LambdaSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="lambda"
Bases: ProviderSecret
To create a DockerRegistrySecret, please use the factory method
with provider="docker"
Bases: ProviderSecret
To create a SSHSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="ssh"
Bases: SSHSecret
To create a SkySecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="sky"
Bases: ApiKeySecret
To create an AnthropicSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="anthropic"
Bases: ApiKeySecret
To create an CohereSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="cohere"
Bases: ApiKeySecret
To create an LangChainSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="langchain"
Bases: ApiKeySecret
To create an OpenAISecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="openai"
Bases: ApiKeySecret
To create an PineconeSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="pinecone"
Bases: ApiKeySecret
To create an WandBSecret, please use the factory method provider_secret()
with provider="wandb"