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Envs and Packages

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The Runhouse Env and Package abstractions help to provide convenient dependency isolation and management across your dev environments and applications. By specifying the runtime environment associated with each of your Runhouse functions and apps, ensure consistency and reproducibility no matter where you deploy your code from/to.


A Runhouse package represents a package or dependency that can be shared between environments/clusters or file storage, and is core to the Runhouse environment. This can be the standard PyPI or Conda package, a requirements.txt file, a custom local package, or even a Git package.

import runhouse as rh
pip_package = rh.Package.from_string("pip:numpy") conda_package = rh.Package.from_string("conda:torch") reqs_package = rh.Package.from_string("reqs:./") git_package = rh.GitPackage(git_url='', install_method='pip', revision='v0.11.1')


The Runhouse environment represents a whole compute environment, consisting of packages, environment variables, and any secrets necessary for performing tasks within the environment. It defines the environment on which Runhouse functions and modules run.

Currently, both bare metal environments and Conda environments are supported. Docker environment support is planned.

Bare Metal Envs

Envs can be constructed with the rh.env() factory function, optionally taking in a name, requirements (packages), environment variables, and secrets.

env = rh.env( name="fn_env", reqs=["numpy", "torch"], env_vars={"USER": "*****"}, secrets=["aws"], )

If no environment name is provided, when the environment is sent to a cluster, the dependencies and variables of the environment will be installed and synced on top of the cluster’s default env. However, Without a name, the env resource itself can not be accessed and does not live in the cluster’s object store.

Conda Envs

Conda Envs can be created using rh.conda_env. There are a couple of ways to construct a Conda Env:

  • .yml file corresponding to conda config

  • dict corresponding to conda config

  • name of already set up local conda env

  • passing in reqs as a list

Additional package dependencies can be passed in through the reqs argument, and env vars, secrets, and working dir is supported just as in the bare metal env.

conda_env = rh.conda_env(conda_env="conda_env.yml", reqs=["numpy", "diffusers"], name="yaml_env") conda_dict = {"name": "conda_env", "channels": ["conda-forge"], "dependencies": ["python=3.10.0"]} conda_env = rh.env(conda_env=conda_dict, name="dict_env") conda_env = rh.conda_env(conda_env="local_conda_env", name="from_local_env") conda_env = rh.conda_env(reqs=["numpy", "diffusers"], name="new_env")

Envs on the Cluster

Runhouse environments are generic environments, and the object itself is not associated with a cluster. However, it is easy to set up an environment on the cluster, by simply calling the API, or by sending your module/function to the env with the <rh_fn>.to(cluster=cluster, env=env) API, which will construct and cache the environment on the remote cluster.

# Function, cluster, and env setup def np_sum(a, b): import numpy as np return np.sum([a, b]) cluster = rh.ondemand_cluster("rh-cluster", instance_type="CPU:2+").up_if_not() env = rh.env(name="np_env", reqs=["numpy"])
remote_np_sum = rh.function(np_sum).to(cluster, env=env)
INFO | 2024-02-28 21:24:52.915177 | Because this function is defined in a notebook, writing it out to /Users/caroline/Documents/runhouse/notebooks/docs/ Please make sure the function does not rely on any local variables, including imports (which should be moved inside the function body).
INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:03.923658 | SSH tunnel on to server's port 32300 via server's ssh port 22 already created with the cluster.
INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:04.162828 | Server rh-cluster is up.
INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:04.166104 | Copying package from file:///Users/caroline/Documents/runhouse/notebooks to: rh-cluster
INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:07.356780 | Calling np_env.install
Installing Package: numpy with method pip.
Running: pip install numpy
Installing Package: notebooks with method reqs.
reqs path: notebooks/requirements.txt
notebooks/requirements.txt not found, skipping
INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:09.601131 | Time to call np_env.install: 2.24 seconds
INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:16.987243 | Sending module np_sum to rh-cluster
remote_np_sum(2, 3)
INFO | 2024-02-28 21:38:18.997808 | Calling
INFO | 2024-02-28 21:38:20.047907 | Time to call 1.05 seconds

On the cluster, each environment is associated with its own Ray Actor servlet, which handles all the activities within the environment (installing packages, getting or putting objects, calling functions, etc). Each env servlet has its own local object store where objects persist in Python, and lives in its own process, reducing interprocess overhead and eliminating launch overhead for calls made in the same env.

Syncing your local code

You may be wondering how the actual code that you have written and sent to Runhouse gets synced to the cluster, if it is not included in the env. When you import a function and send it to the env, we locate the function’s import site and find the package it’s a part of. We do this by searching for any “.git”, “”, “setup.cfg”, “pyproject.toml”, or “requirements.txt”, and then sync the first directory we find that represents a package. Any directory with a requirements.txt that is synced up will also have those reqs installed. We do not store this code on our servers at all, it is just synced onto your own cluster.

You can also sync a specific folder of your own choosing, and it will be synced and added to the remote Python path, resulting in any Python packages in that directory being importable. For example:

env = rh.env( name="fn_env_with_local_package", reqs=["numpy", "torch", "~/path/to/package"], )

Cluster Default Env

The cluster also has a concept of a base default env, which is the environment on which the runhouse server will be started from. It is the environment in which cluster calls and computations, such as commands and functions, will default to running on, if no other env is specified.

During cluster initialization, you can specify the default env for the cluster. It is constructed as with any other runhouse env, using rh.env(), and contains any package installations, commands to run, or env vars to set prior to starting the Runhouse server, or even a particular conda env to isolate your Runhouse environment. If no default env is specified, runs on the base environment on the cluster (after sourcing bash).

import runhouse as rh
default_env = rh.conda_env( name="cluster_default", reqs=["skypilot"], # to enable autostop, which requires skypilot library env_vars={"my_token": "TOKEN_VAL"} ) cluster = rh.ondemand_cluster( name="rh-cpu", instance_type="CPU:2+", provider="aws", default_env=default_env, ) cluster.up_if_not()

Now, as we see in the examples below, running a command or sending over a function without specifying an env will default the default conda env that we have specified for the cluster."conda env list | grep '*'")
INFO | 2024-05-20 18:08:42.460946 | Calling cluster_default._run_command
Running command in cluster_default: conda run -n cluster_default conda env list | grep '*'
cluster_default       *  /opt/conda/envs/cluster_default
INFO | 2024-05-20 18:08:45.130137 | Time to call cluster_default._run_command: 2.67 seconds
[(0, 'cluster_default       *  /opt/conda/envs/cluster_defaultn', '')]
def check_import(): import sky return "import succeeded"
check_remote_import = rh.function(check_import).to(cluster)
INFO | 2024-05-20 18:30:05.128009 | Calling
INFO | 2024-05-20 18:30:05.691348 | Time to call 0.56 seconds
'import succeeded'