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Runhouse clusters expose various functions that allow you to set up state, dependencies, and whatnot on all nodes of your cluster. These include:

  • cluster.install_packages(...)

  • cluster.rsync(...)

  • cluster.set_env_vars(...)

  • cluster.run_bash(...)

A Runhouse “Image” is simply an abstraction that allows you to run several setup steps before we install runhouse and bring up the Runhouse daemon and initial set up on your cluster’s nodes. You can also specify a Docker image_id as the “base image” of your Runhouse image.

Here’s a simple example of using the Runhouse Image abstraction in your cluster setup:

import runhouse as rh image = ( rh.Image(name="sample_image") .from_docker("python:3.12.8-bookworm") .install_packages(["numpy", "pandas"]) .sync_secrets(["huggingface"]) .set_env_vars({"RH_LOG_LEVEL": "debug"}) ) cluster = rh.cluster(name="ml_ready_cluster", image=image, instance_type="CPU:2+", provider="aws").up_if_not()
I 12-17 12:04:55] Successfully provisioned cluster: ml_ready_cluster
I 12-17 12:04:57] Run commands not specified or empty.
AWS: Fetching availability zones mapping...NAME              LAUNCHED        RESOURCES                                                                  STATUS  AUTOSTOP  COMMAND
ml_ready_cluster  a few secs ago  1x AWS(m6i.large, image_id={'us-east-1': 'docker:python:3.12.8-bookwor...  UP      (down)    /Users/rohinbhasin/minico...


The growing listing of setup steps available for Runhouse images is available in the API reference docs.