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Source code for runhouse.resources.hardware.sagemaker_cluster

import configparser
import contextlib
import getpass
import logging
import os
import pkgutil
import pty
import re
import select
import shlex
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import threading
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union

    import boto3
    import paramiko
    import sagemaker
    from sagemaker.estimator import EstimatorBase
    from sagemaker.mxnet import MXNet
    from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorch
    from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlow
    from sagemaker.xgboost import XGBoost
except ImportError:

from sshtunnel import BaseSSHTunnelForwarderError, SSHTunnelForwarder

from runhouse.globals import configs, open_cluster_tunnels, rns_client
from runhouse.rns.utils.api import is_jsonable, resolve_absolute_path
from runhouse.rns.utils.names import _generate_default_name

from .cluster import Cluster
from .utils import SkySSHRunner

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SageMakerCluster(Cluster): DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost" DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE = "ml.m5.large" DEFAULT_REGION = "us-east-1" DEFAULT_USER = "root" # BASE_ECR_URL = "" # Default path for any estimator source code copied onto the cluster ESTIMATOR_SRC_CODE_PATH = "/opt/ml/code" ESTIMATOR_LOG_FILE = "sm_cluster.out" SSH_KEY_FILE_NAME = "sagemaker-ssh-gw" DEFAULT_SSH_PORT = 11022 DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 50052 DEFAULT_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIME = 60 # seconds
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, role: str = None, profile: str = None, region: str = None, ssh_key_path: str = None, instance_id: str = None, instance_type: str = None, instance_count: int = None, image_uri: str = None, autostop_mins: int = None, connection_wait_time: int = None, estimator: Union["EstimatorBase", Dict] = None, job_name: str = None, dryrun=False, **kwargs, ): """ The Runhouse SageMaker cluster abstraction. This is where you can use SageMaker as a compute backend, just as you would an on-demand cluster (i.e. cloud VMs) or a BYO (i.e. on-prem) cluster. Additionally supports running dedicated training jobs using SageMaker Estimators. .. note:: To build a cluster, please use the factory method :func:`sagemaker_cluster`. """ self._connection_wait_time = connection_wait_time self._instance_type = instance_type self._instance_count = instance_count self._region = region self._ssh_key_path = ssh_key_path # SSHEstimatorWrapper to facilitate the SSH connection to the cluster self._ssh_wrapper = None # Keep track of the ports used for forwarding to the cluster self._local_port = self.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT self._ssh_port = self.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT # Note: Relevant only if an estimator is explicitly provided self._estimator_entry_point = kwargs.get("estimator_entry_point") self._estimator_source_dir = kwargs.get("estimator_source_dir") self._estimator_framework = kwargs.get("estimator_framework") self.job_name = job_name # Either use the user-provided instance_id, or look it up from the job_name self.instance_id = instance_id or ( self._cluster_instance_id() if self.job_name else None ) self.autostop_mins = ( autostop_mins if autostop_mins is not None else configs.get("default_autostop") ) self.estimator = self._load_estimator(estimator) self.role, self.profile = self._load_role_and_profile(role, profile) f"Using SageMaker execution role: `{self.role}` and profile: `{self.profile}`" ) self.image_uri = self._load_image_uri(image_uri) # Note: Setting instance ID as cluster IP for compatibility with Cluster parent class methods super().__init__(name=name, ips=[self.instance_id], ssh_creds={}, dryrun=dryrun)
@property def config_for_rns(self): config = super().config_for_rns config.update( { "instance_id": self.instance_id, "role": self.role, "region": self.region, "profile": self.profile, "ssh_key_path": self.ssh_key_path, "job_name": self.job_name, "instance_type": self.instance_type, "instance_count": self.instance_count, "image_uri": self.image_uri, "autostop_mins": self.autostop_mins, "connection_wait_time": self.connection_wait_time, } ) # If running a dedicated job on the cluster, add the estimator config if self.estimator and ( self._estimator_source_dir and self._estimator_entry_point ): config.update( { "estimator_entry_point": self._estimator_entry_point, "estimator_source_dir": self._estimator_source_dir, } ) if isinstance(self.estimator, EstimatorBase): # Serialize the estimator before saving it down in the config selected_attrs = { key: value for key, value in self.estimator.__dict__.items() if is_jsonable(value) } # Estimator types: mxnet, tensorflow, keras, pytorch, onnx, xgboost self._estimator_framework = type(self.estimator).__name__ config.update( { "estimator": selected_attrs, "estimator_framework": self._estimator_framework, } ) if isinstance(self.estimator, dict): config.update({"estimator": self.estimator}) return config @property def hosts_path(self): return os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/known_hosts") @property def ssh_config_file(self): return os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/config") @property def ssh_key_path(self): """Relative path to the private SSH key used to connect to the cluster.""" if self._ssh_key_path: return self._relative_ssh_path(self._ssh_key_path) # Default relative path return f"~/.ssh/{self.SSH_KEY_FILE_NAME}" @ssh_key_path.setter def ssh_key_path(self, ssh_key_path): self._ssh_key_path = ssh_key_path @property def instance_count(self): if self._instance_count: return self._instance_count elif self.estimator: return self.estimator.instance_count else: return 1 @instance_count.setter def instance_count(self, instance_count): self._instance_count = instance_count @property def connection_wait_time(self): """Amount of time the SSH helper will wait inside SageMaker before it continues normal execution""" if self._connection_wait_time is not None: return self._connection_wait_time elif self.estimator and ( self._estimator_source_dir and self._estimator_entry_point ): # Allow for connecting to the instance before the job starts (e.g. training) return self.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIME else: # For inference and others, always up and running return 0 @connection_wait_time.setter def connection_wait_time(self, connection_wait_time): self._connection_wait_time = connection_wait_time @property def instance_type(self): if self._instance_type: return self._instance_type elif self.estimator: return self.estimator.instance_type else: return self.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE @instance_type.setter def instance_type(self, instance_type): self._instance_type = instance_type @property def region(self): if self._region: return self._region # If no region is specified, try using the one associated with the sagemaker session try: region = self._sagemaker_session.boto_region_name if region is None: return self.DEFAULT_REGION return region except: return self.DEFAULT_REGION @region.setter def region(self, region): self._region = region @property def default_bucket(self): """Default bucket to use for storing the cluster's authorized public keys.""" return self._sagemaker_session.default_bucket() @property def _extra_ssh_args(self): """Extra SSH arguments to be used when connecting to the cluster.""" # Note - port 12345 can be used for Python Debug Server: "-R localhost:12345:localhost:12345" # return ( f"-L localhost:{self._local_port}:localhost:{self._local_port} " f"-L localhost:{self._ssh_port}:localhost:22" ) @property def _s3_keys_path(self): """Path to public key stored for the cluster on S3. When initializing the cluster, the public key is copied by default to an authorized keys file in this location.""" return f"s3://{self.default_bucket}/ssh-authorized-keys/" @property def _ssh_public_key_path(self): return f"{self._abs_ssh_key_path}.pub" @property def _env_activate_cmd(self): """Prefix for commands run on the cluster. Ensure we are running all commands in the conda environment and not the system default python.""" # TODO [JL] Can SageMaker handle this for us? return "source /opt/conda/bin/activate" @property def _abs_ssh_key_path(self): return resolve_absolute_path(self.ssh_key_path) @property def _ssh_key_comment(self): """Username and hostname to be used as the comment for the public key.""" return f"{getpass.getuser()}@{socket.gethostname()}" @classmethod def _relative_ssh_path(cls, ssh_path: str): """Convert to a relative path if it is not already one.""" if ssh_path.startswith("~"): return ssh_path # Convert to a relative path relative_path = os.path.relpath(ssh_path, os.path.expanduser("~")) relative_path = relative_path.replace("\\", "/") if not relative_path.startswith("~"): relative_path = f"~/{relative_path}" return relative_path # ------------------------------------------------------- # Cluster State & Lifecycle Methods # ------------------------------------------------------- def check_server(self, restart_server=True): if self.on_this_cluster(): return if not self.instance_id: raise ValueError(f"SageMaker cluster {} has no instance ID") if not self.client: cluster_config = self.config_for_rns try: self.connect_server_client() f"Checking server {} with instance ID: {self.instance_id}" ) self.client.check_server(cluster_config=cluster_config)"Server {self.instance_id} is up.") except: if restart_server: f"Server {self.instance_id} is up, but the HTTP server may not be up." ) [ "sudo apt-get install screen -y " "&& sudo apt-get install rsync -y" ] ) # Restart the server inside the base conda env self.restart_server( resync_rh=True, restart_ray=True, env_activate_cmd=self._env_activate_cmd, )"Checking server {self.instance_id} again.") self.client.check_server(cluster_config=cluster_config) else: raise ValueError( f"Could not connect to SageMaker instance {self.instance_id}" )
[docs] def up(self): """Up the cluster. Example: >>> rh.sagemaker_cluster("sagemaker-cluster").up() """"Preparing to launch a new SageMaker cluster") self._launch_new_cluster() return self
[docs] def up_if_not(self): """Bring up the cluster if it is not up. No-op if cluster is already up. Example: >>> rh.sagemaker_cluster("sagemaker-cluster").up_if_not() """ if not self.is_up(): self.address = None self.job_name = None self.instance_id = None self.up() return self
[docs] def is_up(self) -> bool: """Check if the cluster is up. Example: >>> rh.sagemaker_cluster("sagemaker-cluster").is_up() """ try: resp = self.status() status = resp.get("TrainingJobStatus") # Up if the instance is in progress return status == "InProgress" except: return False
[docs] def teardown(self): """Teardown the SageMaker instance. Example: >>> rh.sagemaker_cluster(name="sagemaker-cluster").teardown() """ self._stop_instance(delete_configs=False)
[docs] def teardown_and_delete(self): """Teardown the SageMaker instance and delete from RNS configs. Example: >>> rh.sagemaker_cluster(name="sagemaker-cluster").teardown_and_delete() """ self._stop_instance()
[docs] def keep_warm(self, autostop_mins: int = -1): """Keep the cluster warm for given number of minutes after inactivity. Args: autostop_mins (int): Amount of time (in minutes) to keep the cluster warm after inactivity. If set to ``-1``, keep cluster warm indefinitely. (Default: ``-1``) """ self._update_autostop(autostop_mins) return self
def __getstate__(self): """Delete non-serializable elements (e.g. sagemaker session object) before pickling.""" state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_sagemaker_session"] = None state["client"] = None state["_rpc_tunnel"] = None return state
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def pause_autostop(self): """Context manager to temporarily pause autostop.""" self._update_autostop(autostop_mins=-1) yield self._update_autostop(self.autostop_mins)
[docs] def status(self) -> dict: """ Get status of SageMaker cluster. Example: >>> status = rh.sagemaker_cluster("sagemaker-cluster").status() """ try: return self._sagemaker_session.describe_training_job(self.job_name) except: return {}
# ------------------------------------------------------- # SSH APIs # ------------------------------------------------------- def ssh_tunnel( self, local_port, remote_port=None, num_ports_to_try: int = 0, retry=True ) -> Tuple[SSHTunnelForwarder, int]: try: remote_bind_addresses = ("", local_port) local_bind_addresses = ("", local_port) ssh_tunnel = SSHTunnelForwarder( (self.DEFAULT_HOST, self._ssh_port), ssh_username=self.DEFAULT_USER, ssh_pkey=self._abs_ssh_key_path, remote_bind_address=remote_bind_addresses, local_bind_address=local_bind_addresses, set_keepalive=1800, ) # Start the SSH tunnel ssh_tunnel.start() # Update the SSH config for the cluster with the connected SSH port self._add_or_update_ssh_config_entry()"SSH connection has been successfully created with the cluster") except BaseSSHTunnelForwarderError as e: if not retry: # Failed to create the SSH tunnel object even after successfully refreshing the SSM session raise e # Refresh the SSM session, which should bind the HTTP and SSH ports to localhost which are forwarded # to the cluster self._refresh_ssm_session_with_cluster(num_ports_to_try) # Retry creating the SSH tunnel once the session has been refreshed return self.ssh_tunnel( local_port, remote_port, num_ports_to_try, retry=False ) return ssh_tunnel, local_port
[docs] def ssh(self, interactive: bool = True): """SSH into the cluster. Args: interactive (bool): Whether to start an interactive shell or not (Default: ``True``). Example: >>> rh.sagemaker_cluster(name="sagemaker-cluster").ssh() """ if self.instance_id not in open_cluster_tunnels: # Make sure SSM session and SSH tunnels are up before running the command self.connect_server_client() if not interactive: f"Created SSH tunnel with the cluster. To SSH into the cluster, run: `ssh {}`" ) return head_fd, worker_fd = pty.openpty() ssh_process = subprocess.Popen( ["ssh", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",], stdin=worker_fd, stdout=worker_fd, stderr=worker_fd, universal_newlines=True, ) # Close the worker_fd in the parent process as it's not needed there os.close(worker_fd) # Wait for the SSH process to initialize[head_fd], [], []) # Interact with the SSH process through the head_fd try: while True: if head_fd in[head_fd], [], [], 0)[0]: output =, 1024).decode() print(output, end="") if sys.stdin in[sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]: user_input = sys.stdin.readline() try: os.write(head_fd, user_input.encode()) except OSError: pass # terminate the SSH process gracefully if user_input.strip() == "exit": break except Exception as e: raise e finally: # Close the head_fd and terminate the SSH process when done os.close(head_fd) ssh_process.terminate()
def _run_commands_with_ssh( self, commands: list, cmd_prefix: str, stream_logs: bool, port_forward: int = None, require_outputs: bool = True, ): return_codes = [] for command in commands: if command.startswith("rsync"): try: result = command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) return_codes.append( (result.returncode, result.stdout, result.stderr) ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return_codes.append((255, "", str(e))) else: if self.instance_id not in open_cluster_tunnels: # Make sure tunnel is up before running commands (e.g. calling ``restart_server`` right after # loading the cluster with dryrun) self.connect_server_client() # Host can be replaced with name (as reflected in the ~/.ssh/config file) runner = SkySSHRunner(, ssh_user=self.DEFAULT_USER, ssh_private_key=self._abs_ssh_key_path, ) command = f"{cmd_prefix} {command}" if cmd_prefix else command"Running command on {}: {command}") return_code, stdout, stderr = command, require_outputs=require_outputs, stream_logs=stream_logs, port_forward=port_forward, ) if ( return_code != 0 and "dpkg: error processing package install-info" in stdout ): # **NOTE**: there may be issues with some SageMaker GPUs post installation script which # leads to an error which looks something like: "installed install-info package post-installation # script subprocess returned error exit status 2" # # /etc/environment file may also be corrupt, replacing with an empty file allows # subsequent python commands to run self._run_commands_with_ssh( commands=[ "cd /var/lib/dpkg/info && sudo rm *.postinst " "&& sudo mv /etc/environment /etc/environment_broken " "&& sudo touch /etc/environment " f"&& {command}" ], cmd_prefix=cmd_prefix, stream_logs=stream_logs, ) return_codes.append((return_code, stdout, stderr)) return return_codes # ------------------------------------------------------- # Cluster Provisioning & Launching # ------------------------------------------------------- def _create_launch_estimator(self): """Create the estimator object used for launching the cluster. If a custom estimator is provided, use that. Otherwise, use a Runhouse default estimator to launch. **Note If an estimator is provided, Runhouse will override the entry point and source dir to use the default Runhouse entry point and source dir. This is to ensure that the connection to the cluster can be maintained even if the job fails, after it has completed, or if autostop is enabled.**""" # Note: these entry points must point to the existing local files default_entry_point = "" full_module_name = f"scripts/sagemaker_cluster/{default_entry_point}" entry_point_path = self._get_path_for_module(full_module_name) source_dir_path = os.path.dirname(entry_point_path) # Set default_entry_point and default_source_dir default_source_dir = source_dir_path if self.estimator: # Save the original entry point and source dir to be used on the cluster for running the estimator self._estimator_entry_point = self.estimator.entry_point self._estimator_source_dir = self.estimator.source_dir # Update the estimator with the Runhouse custom entry point and source dir # When the job is initialized, it will run through the Runhouse entry point, which will manage the # running of the custom estimator self.estimator.entry_point = default_entry_point self.estimator.source_dir = default_source_dir return self.estimator else: # No estimator provided, use the Runhouse custom estimator (using PyTorch by default) estimator_dict = { "instance_count": self.instance_count, "role": self.role, "image_uri": self.image_uri, "framework_version": "2.0.1", "py_version": "py310", "entry_point": default_entry_point, "source_dir": default_source_dir, "instance_type": self.instance_type, # "keep_alive_period_in_seconds": 3600, } return PyTorch(**estimator_dict) def _launch_new_cluster(self): self.estimator = self._create_launch_estimator() f"Launching a new SageMaker cluster (instance count={self.instance_count}) on instance " f"type: {self.instance_type}" ) self._create_new_instance() # If no name provided, use the autogenerated name self.job_name = self.instance_id = self._cluster_instance_id() # For compatibility with parent Cluster class methods which use an address self.address = self.instance_id"New SageMaker instance started with ID: {self.instance_id}") # Remove stale entries from the known hosts file self._filter_known_hosts()"Creating session with cluster via SSM") self._create_ssm_session_with_cluster() self.check_server() if self._estimator_source_dir and self._estimator_entry_point: # Copy the provided estimator's code to the cluster - Runhouse will then manage running the job in order # to preserve control over the cluster's autostop self._sync_estimator_to_cluster() f"Logs for the estimator can be viewed on the cluster in " f"path: {self.ESTIMATOR_SRC_CODE_PATH}/{self.ESTIMATOR_LOG_FILE}" ) f"Connection with {} has been created. You can SSH onto " f"the cluster with the CLI using: ``ssh {}``" ) def _create_new_instance(self): from sagemaker_ssh_helper.wrapper import SSHEstimatorWrapper # Make sure the SSHEstimatorWrapper is being used by the estimator, this is necessary for # enabling the SSH tunnel to the cluster # ssh_dependency_dir = SSHEstimatorWrapper.dependency_dir() if ssh_dependency_dir not in self.estimator.dependencies: self.estimator.dependencies.append(ssh_dependency_dir) # Create the SSH wrapper & run the job self._ssh_wrapper = SSHEstimatorWrapper.create( self.estimator, connection_wait_time_seconds=self.connection_wait_time ) self._start_instance() def _create_ssm_session_with_cluster(self, num_ports_to_try: int = 5): """Create a session with the cluster. Runs a bash script containing a series of commands which use existing SSH keys or generate new ones needed to authorize the connection with the cluster via the AWS SSM. These commands are run when the cluster is initially provisioned, or for subsequent connections if the session is longer active. Once finished, the SSH port and HTTP port will be bound to processes on localhost which are forwarded to the cluster.""" # base_command = self._load_base_command_for_ssm_session() connected = False while not connected: command = f"{base_command} {self._extra_ssh_args}" try: if num_ports_to_try == 0: raise ConnectionError( f"Failed to create SSM session and connect to {} after repeated attempts." f"Make sure SSH keys exist in local path: {self._abs_ssh_key_path}" )"Running command: {command}") # Define an event to signal completion of the SSH tunnel setup tunnel_setup_complete = threading.Event() # Manually allocate a pseudo-terminal to prevent a "pseudo-terminal not allocated" error head_fd, worker_fd = pty.openpty() def run_ssm_session_cmd(): # Execute the command with the pseudo-terminal in a separate thread process = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, ) # Close the worker file descriptor as we don't need it os.close(worker_fd) # Close the master file descriptor after reading the output os.close(head_fd) # Wait for the process to complete and collect its return code process.wait() # Signal that the tunnel setup is complete tunnel_setup_complete.set() tunnel_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_ssm_session_cmd) tunnel_thread.daemon = True # Set the thread as a daemon, so it won't block the main thread # Start the SSH tunnel thread tunnel_thread.start() # Give time for the SSM session to start, SSH keys to be copied onto the cluster, and the SSH port # forwarding command to run tunnel_setup_complete.wait(timeout=30) if not self._ports_are_in_use(): # Command should bind SSH port and HTTP port on localhost, if this is not the case try re-running # the bash script with a different set of ports # E.g. ❯ lsof -i:11022,50052 # COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME # ssh 97115 myuser 3u IPv4 0xcf81f230786cc9fd 0t0 TCP localhost:50052 (LISTEN) # ssh 97115 myuser 6u IPv4 0xcf81f230786eff6d 0t0 TCP localhost:11022 (LISTEN) raise ConnectionError # Update the SSH config for the cluster with the connected SSH port self._add_or_update_ssh_config_entry() connected = True f"Created SSM session using ports {self._ssh_port} and {self._local_port}. " f"All active sessions can be viewed with: ``aws ssm describe-sessions --state Active``" ) except (ConnectionError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): # Try re-running with updated the ports - possible the ports are already in use self._local_port += 1 self._ssh_port += 1 num_ports_to_try -= 1 pass def _start_instance(self): """Call the SageMaker CreateTrainingJob API to start the training job on the cluster.""" # TODO [JL] Note: Keeping private until re-running training jobs on the same cluster is supported if not self.estimator: logger.warning("No estimator found, cannot run job.") return wait=False, job_name=self.job_name or _generate_default_name(, sep="-"), ) def _load_base_command_for_ssm_session(self) -> str: """Bash script command for creating the SSM session and uploading the SSH keys to the cluster. Will try reusing existing keys locally if they exist, otherwise will generate new ones locally and copy them to s3.""" private_key_path = self._abs_ssh_key_path public_key_path = self._ssh_public_key_path resource_name = "scripts/sagemaker_cluster/" script_path = self._get_path_for_module(resource_name) os.chmod(script_path, 0o755) s3_key_path = self._s3_keys_path # bash script which creates an SSM session with the cluster base_command = ( f'bash {script_path} "{self.instance_id}" ' f'"{s3_key_path}" "{private_key_path}" "{self.region}"' ) bucket = s3_key_path.split("/")[2] key = "/".join(s3_key_path.split("/")[3:]) if Path(public_key_path).exists() and Path(private_key_path).exists(): # If the key pair exists locally, make sure a matching public key also exists in s3 with open(self._ssh_public_key_path, "r") as f: public_key = self._add_public_key_to_authorized_keys(bucket, key, public_key) return base_command # If no private + public keys exists generate a new key pair from scratch logger.warning( f"No private + public keypair found in local path: {private_key_path}. Generating a new key pair " "locally and uploading the new public key to s3" ) self._create_new_ssh_key_pair(bucket, key) return base_command def _refresh_ssm_session_with_cluster(self, num_ports_to_try: int = 5): """Reconnect to the cluster via the AWS SSM. This bypasses the step of creating a new SSH key which was already done when upping the cluster. Note: this assumes the session has previously been created, which we do when the cluster has been upped. To view all sessions: ``aws ssm describe-sessions --state Active`` """ ssh_key_path = self._abs_ssh_key_path public_key_path = self._ssh_public_key_path if not Path(ssh_key_path).exists() and not Path(public_key_path).exists(): logger.warning( f"SSH key pairs not found in paths: {ssh_key_path} and {public_key_path}" ) self._create_ssm_session_with_cluster() # full_module_name = "scripts/sagemaker_cluster/" script_path = self._get_path_for_module(full_module_name) os.chmod(script_path, 0o755) # Remove stale entries from the known hosts file - this is import for avoiding collisions when # subsequent clusters are created as the IP address is added to the file as: [localhost]:11022 self._filter_known_hosts() num_ports_total = num_ports_to_try connected = False while not connected: command = [ script_path, self.instance_id, ssh_key_path, self.region, ] + shlex.split(self._extra_ssh_args) if num_ports_to_try == 0: raise ConnectionError( f"Failed to create connection with {} after {num_ports_total} attempts " f"(cluster status=`{self.status().get('TrainingJobStatus')}`). Make sure that another SageMaker " f"cluster is not already active, that AWS CLI V2 is installed, and that the path has been properly " f"added to your bash profile" f"( " f"If the problem continues to persist, try running the command to create the session " f"manually: `bash {' '.join(command)}`" ) try: subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, ) # Give enough time for the aws ssm + ssh port forwarding commands in the script to complete # Better to wait a few more seconds than to restart the HTTP server and Ray on the cluster unnecessarily time.sleep(8) if not self._ports_are_in_use(): # Command should bind SSH port and HTTP port on localhost, if this is not the case try re-running # with different ports raise socket.error connected = True"Successfully refreshed SSM session with {}") except socket.error: # If the refresh didn't work try connecting with a different port - could be that the port # is already taken self._local_port += 1 self._ssh_port += 1 num_ports_to_try -= 1 pass # ------------------------------------------------------- # SSH Keys Management # ------------------------------------------------------- def _create_new_ssh_key_pair(self, bucket, key): """Create a new private / public key pairing needed for SSHing into the cluster.""" private_key_path = self._abs_ssh_key_path ssh_key = paramiko.RSAKey.generate(bits=2048) ssh_key.write_private_key_file(private_key_path) os.chmod(private_key_path, 0o600) # Set the comment for the public key to include username and hostname comment = self._ssh_key_comment public_key = f"ssh-rsa {ssh_key.get_base64()} {comment}" # Update the public key locally self._write_public_key(public_key) # Update the public key in s3 self._add_public_key_to_authorized_keys(bucket, key, public_key) def _add_public_key_to_authorized_keys( self, bucket: str, key: str, public_key: str ) -> None: """Add the public key to the authorized keys file stored in S3. This file will get copied onto the cluster's authorized keys file.""" path_to_auth_keys = self._path_to_auth_keys(key) authorized_keys: str = self._load_authorized_keys(bucket, path_to_auth_keys) if not authorized_keys: # Create a new authorized keys file f"No authorized keys file found in s3 path: {self._s3_keys_path}. Creating and uploading a new file." ) self._upload_key_to_s3(bucket, path_to_auth_keys, public_key) return if public_key not in authorized_keys: # Add the public key to the existing authorized keys saved in s3 authorized_keys += f"\n{public_key}\n" f"Adding public key to authorized keys file saved for the cluster " f"in path: {self._s3_keys_path}" ) self._upload_key_to_s3(bucket, path_to_auth_keys, authorized_keys) def _path_to_auth_keys(self, key): """Path to the authorized keys file stored in the s3 bucket for the role ARN associated with the cluster.""" return key + f"{self.SSH_KEY_FILE_NAME}.pub" def _write_public_key(self, public_key: str): """Update the public key stored locally.""" with open(self._ssh_public_key_path, "w") as f: f.write(public_key) def _upload_key_to_s3(self, bucket, key, body): """Save a public key to the authorized file in the default bucket for given SageMaker role.""" self._s3_client.put_object( Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Body=body, ) def _load_authorized_keys(self, bucket, auth_keys_file) -> Union[str, None]: """Load the authorized keys file for this AWS role stored in S3. If no file exists, return None.""" try: response = self._s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=auth_keys_file) existing_pub_keys = response["Body"].read().decode("utf-8") return existing_pub_keys except self._s3_client.exceptions.NoSuchKey: # No authorized keys file exists in s3 for this role return None except Exception as e: raise e # ------------------------------------------------------- # Cluster Helpers # ------------------------------------------------------- def _rsync(self, source: str, dest: str, up: bool, contents: bool = False): source = source + "/" if not source.endswith("/") else source dest = dest + "/" if not dest.endswith("/") else dest command = ( f"rsync -rvh --exclude='.git' --exclude='venv*/' --exclude='dist/' --exclude='docs/' " f"--exclude='__pycache__/' --exclude='.*' " f"--include='.rh/' -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " f"-i {self._abs_ssh_key_path} -p {self._ssh_port}' {source} root@localhost:{dest}" )"Syncing {source} to: {dest} on cluster") return_codes =[command]) if return_codes[0][0] != 0: logger.error(f"rsync to SageMaker cluster failed: {return_codes[0][1]}") def _cluster_instance_id(self): """Get the instance ID of the cluster. This is the ID of the instance running the training job generated by SageMaker.""" if self._ssh_wrapper: # This is a hack to effectively do list.get(0, None) return next(iter(self._ssh_wrapper.get_instance_ids()), None) from sagemaker_ssh_helper.manager import SSMManager ssm_manager = SSMManager(region_name=self.region) ssm_manager.redo_attempts = 0 instance_ids = ssm_manager.get_training_instance_ids(self.job_name) # This is a hack to effectively do list.get(0, None) return next(iter(instance_ids), None) def _get_path_for_module(self, resource_name: str) -> str: import importlib.resources as pkg_resources package_name = "runhouse" script_path = str(pkg_resources.files(package_name) / resource_name) return script_path def _load_role_and_profile(self, role, profile): """Load the SageMaker role and profile used for launching and connecting to the cluster. Role can be provided as an ARN or a name. If provided, will search for the profile containing this role in local AWS configs. If no profile is provided, try loading from the environment variable ``AWS_PROFILE``, otherwise default to using the ``default`` profile.""" if self.estimator: # If using an estimator must provide a name or full ARN # role = self.estimator.role if role and role.startswith("arn:aws"): profile = profile or self._find_profile_for_role(role) else: # profile = profile or os.environ.get("AWS_PROFILE") if profile is None: profile = "default" logger.warning( f"No profile provided or environment variable set to `AWS_PROFILE`, using the {profile} profile" ) # Create a sagemaker session using the profile provided self._boto_session = boto3.Session(region_name=self.DEFAULT_REGION) self._s3_client = self._boto_session.client("s3") self._sagemaker_session = self._load_sagemaker_session() # If no role explicitly provided, use sagemaker to get it via the profile role = role or sagemaker.get_execution_role( sagemaker_session=self._sagemaker_session ) return role, profile def _find_profile_for_role(self, role_arn: str) -> Union[str, None]: """Find the profile associated with a particular role ARN. If no profile is found, return None.""" try: aws_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.aws") credentials_path = os.path.join(aws_dir, "credentials") config_path = os.path.join(aws_dir, "config") profiles_with_role = set() for path in [credentials_path, config_path]: config = configparser.ConfigParser() for section in config.sections(): if "role_arn" in config[section]: if config[section]["role_arn"] == role_arn: # Add just the name of the profile (not the full section heading) profiles_with_role.add(section.split(" ")[-1]) if not profiles_with_role: return None profiles = list(profiles_with_role) profile = profiles[0] if len(profiles) > 1: logger.warning( f"Found multiple profiles associated with the same role. Using the first " f"one ({profile})" ) return profile except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Could not find a profile for role {role_arn}: {e}") return None def _load_image_uri(self, image_uri: str = None) -> str: """Load the docker image URI used for launching the SageMaker instance. If no image URI is provided, use a default image based on the instance type.""" if image_uri: return image_uri if self.estimator: return self.estimator.image_uri return self._base_image_uri() def _load_sagemaker_session(self): """Create a SageMaker session required for using the SageMaker APIs. If none is provided create one using the default region.""" if self.estimator: return self.estimator.sagemaker_session return sagemaker.Session(boto_session=self._boto_session) def _stop_instance(self, delete_configs=True): """Stop the SageMaker instance. Optionally remove its config from RNS.""" self._sagemaker_session.stop_training_job(job_name=self.job_name) if not self.is_up(): raise Exception(f"Failed to stop cluster {}")"Successfully stopped cluster {}") # Remove stale host key(s) from known hosts self._filter_known_hosts() if delete_configs: # Delete from RNS rns_client.delete_configs(resource=self) # Delete entry from ~/.ssh/config self._delete_ssh_config_entry()"Deleted cluster {} from configs") def _sync_runhouse_to_cluster(self, _install_url=None, env=None): if not self.instance_id: raise ValueError(f"No instance ID set for cluster {}. Is it up?") # Sync the local ~/.rh directory to the cluster self._rsync( source=os.path.expanduser("~/.rh"), dest="~/.rh", up=True, contents=True, )"Synced ~/.rh folder to the cluster") local_rh_package_path = Path(pkgutil.get_loader("runhouse").path).parent # **Note** temp patch to handle PyYAML errors: base_rh_install_cmd = ( f'{self._env_activate_cmd} && python3 -m pip install "cython<3.0.0"' ) # Check if runhouse is installed from source and has if ( not _install_url and == "runhouse" and (local_rh_package_path.parent / "").exists() ): # Package is installed in editable mode local_rh_package_path = local_rh_package_path.parent dest_path = f"~/{}" self._rsync( source=str(local_rh_package_path), dest=dest_path, up=True, contents=True, ) rh_install_cmd = ( f"{base_rh_install_cmd} && python3 -m pip install ./runhouse[sagemaker]" ) else: if not _install_url: import runhouse _install_url = f"runhouse[sagemaker]=={runhouse.__version__}" rh_install_cmd = ( f"{base_rh_install_cmd} && python3 -m pip install {_install_url}" ) status_codes =[rh_install_cmd]) if status_codes[0][0] != 0: raise ValueError( f"Error installing runhouse on cluster: {status_codes[0][1]}" ) def _load_estimator( self, estimator: Union[Dict, "EstimatorBase", None] ) -> Union[None, "EstimatorBase"]: """Build an Estimator object from config""" if estimator is None: return None if isinstance(estimator, EstimatorBase): return estimator if not isinstance(estimator, dict): raise TypeError( f"Unsupported estimator type. Expected dictionary or EstimatorBase, got {type(estimator)}" ) # Re-build the estimator object from its config estimator_framework = self._estimator_framework if estimator_framework == "PyTorch": return PyTorch(**estimator) elif estimator_framework == "TensorFlow": return TensorFlow(**estimator) elif estimator_framework == "MXNet": return MXNet(**estimator) elif estimator_framework == "XGBoost": return XGBoost(**estimator) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unsupported estimator framework {estimator_framework}" ) def _sync_estimator_to_cluster(self): """If providing a custom estimator sync over the estimator's source directory to the cluster""" from runhouse import folder estimator_folder = folder( path=os.path.expanduser(self._estimator_source_dir) ).to(self, path=self.ESTIMATOR_SRC_CODE_PATH) f"Synced estimator source directory to the cluster in path: {estimator_folder.path}" ) def _base_image_uri(self): """Pick a default image for the cluster based on its instance type""" # TODO [JL] Add flexibility for py version & framework_version gpu_instance_types = ["p2", "p3", "p4", "g3", "g4", "g5"] image_type = ( "gpu" if any(prefix in self.instance_type for prefix in gpu_instance_types) else "cpu" ) cuda_version = "cu118-" if image_type == "gpu" else "" image_url = ( f"{self.BASE_ECR_URL}/pytorch-training:2.0.1-{image_type}-py310-{cuda_version}" f"ubuntu20.04-sagemaker" ) return image_url def _update_autostop(self, autostop_mins: int = None): cluster_config = self.config_for_rns cluster_config["autostop_mins"] = autostop_mins or -1 if not self.client: self.connect_server_client() # Update the config on the server with the new autostop time self.client.check_server(cluster_config=cluster_config) # ------------------------------------------------------- # Port Management # ------------------------------------------------------- def _ports_are_in_use(self) -> bool: """Check if the ports used for port forwarding from localhost to the cluster are in use.""" try: self._bind_ports_to_localhost() # Ports are not in use return False except OSError: # At least one of the ports is in use return True def _bind_ports_to_localhost(self): """Try binding the SSH and HTTP ports to localhost to check if they are in use.""" with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s1: s1.bind(("localhost", self._ssh_port)) with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s2: s2.bind(("localhost", self._local_port)) # ------------------------------------------------------- # SSH config # ------------------------------------------------------- def _filter_known_hosts(self): """To prevent host key collisions in the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, remove any existing entries of localhost. Since the connection to the cluster is made via localhost, remove stale entries""" known_hosts = self.hosts_path if not Path(known_hosts).exists(): # e.g. in a collab or notebook environment return valid_hosts = [] with open(known_hosts, "r") as f: for line in f: if not line.strip().startswith(f"[{self.DEFAULT_HOST}]"): valid_hosts.append(line) with open(known_hosts, "w") as f: f.writelines(valid_hosts) def _ssh_config_entry( self, port: int, name: str = None, hostname: str = None, identity_file: str = None, user: str = None, ): return textwrap.dedent( f""" # Added by Runhouse for SageMaker SSH Support Host {name or} HostName {hostname or self.DEFAULT_HOST} IdentityFile {identity_file or self._abs_ssh_key_path} Port {port} User {user or self.DEFAULT_USER} """ ) def _add_or_update_ssh_config_entry(self): """Update the SSH config to allow for accessing the cluster via: ssh <cluster name>""" connected_ssh_port = self._ssh_port config_file = self.ssh_config_file with open(config_file, "r") as f: existing_config = pattern = re.compile( rf"^\s*Host\s+{re.escape(}\s*$.*?(?=^\s*Host\s+|\Z)", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL, ) entry_match = if entry_match: # If entry already exists update the port with the connected SSH port (may have changed from previous # connection attempt) existing_entry = updated_entry = re.sub( r"(?<=Port )\d+", str(connected_ssh_port), existing_entry ) updated_config = existing_config.replace(existing_entry, updated_entry) with open(config_file, "w") as f: f.write(updated_config) else: # Otherwise, add the new entry to the config file new_entry = self._ssh_config_entry(port=connected_ssh_port) with open(config_file, "a") as f: f.write(new_entry) def _delete_ssh_config_entry(self): """Remove the SSH config entry for the cluster.""" config_file = self.ssh_config_file with open(config_file) as f: lines = f.readlines() # Find the start and end lines of the entry to be deleted start_line = None for i, line in enumerate(lines): if self.job_name in line: start_line = i break if not start_line: return # Find the end of the entry (next empty line) end_line = start_line while end_line < len(lines) and lines[end_line].strip(): end_line += 1 del lines[start_line:end_line] with open(config_file, "w") as f: f.writelines(lines)