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Source code for runhouse.resources.hardware.cluster

import contextlib
import copy
import logging
import os
import pkgutil
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import requests.exceptions
import sshtunnel

from sshtunnel import HandlerSSHTunnelForwarderError, SSHTunnelForwarder

from runhouse.globals import obj_store, open_cluster_tunnels, rns_client
from runhouse.resources.envs.utils import _get_env_from
from runhouse.resources.hardware.utils import _current_cluster, SkySSHRunner
from runhouse.resources.resource import Resource

from runhouse.servers.http import DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, HTTPClient

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Cluster(Resource): RESOURCE_TYPE = "cluster" REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 5 # seconds SERVER_LOGFILE = os.path.expanduser("~/.rh/server.log") CLI_RESTART_CMD = "runhouse restart" SERVER_START_CMD = f"{sys.executable} -m runhouse.servers.http.http_server" SERVER_STOP_CMD = f'pkill -f "{SERVER_START_CMD}"' # 2>&1 redirects stderr to stdout START_SCREEN_CMD = ( f"screen -dm bash -c \"{SERVER_START_CMD} |& tee -a '{SERVER_LOGFILE}' 2>&1\"" ) RAY_START_CMD = "ray start --head --port 6379" # RAY_BOOTSTRAP_FILE = "~/ray_bootstrap_config.yaml" # --autoscaling-config=~/ray_bootstrap_config.yaml # We need to use this instead of ray stop to make sure we don't stop the SkyPilot ray server, # which runs on other ports but is required to preserve autostop and correct cluster status. RAY_KILL_CMD = 'pkill -f ".*ray.*6379.*"'
[docs] def __init__( self, name, ips: List[str] = None, ssh_creds: Dict = None, dryrun=False, **kwargs, # We have this here to ignore extra arguments when calling from from_config ): """ The Runhouse cluster, or system. This is where you can run Functions or access/transfer data between. You can BYO (bring-your-own) cluster by providing cluster IP and ssh_creds, or this can be an on-demand cluster that is spun up/down through `SkyPilot <>`_, using your cloud credentials. .. note:: To build a cluster, please use the factory method :func:`cluster`. """ super().__init__(name=name, dryrun=dryrun) self.address = ips[0] if isinstance(ips, List) else ips self._ssh_creds = ssh_creds self.ips = ips self._rpc_tunnel = None self.client = None
def save_config_to_cluster(self): import json config = self.config_for_rns if "sky_state" in config.keys(): # a bunch of setup commands that mess up json dump del config["sky_state"] json_config = f"{json.dumps(config)}" [ f"mkdir -p ~/.rh; touch ~/.rh/cluster_config.yaml; echo '{json_config}' > ~/.rh/cluster_config.yaml" ] ) @staticmethod def from_config(config: dict, dryrun=False): resource_subtype = config.get("resource_subtype") if resource_subtype == "Cluster": return Cluster(**config, dryrun=dryrun) elif resource_subtype == "OnDemandCluster": from .on_demand_cluster import OnDemandCluster return OnDemandCluster(**config, dryrun=dryrun) elif resource_subtype == "SageMakerCluster": from .sagemaker_cluster import SageMakerCluster return SageMakerCluster(**config, dryrun=dryrun) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown cluster type {resource_subtype}") @property def config_for_rns(self): config = super().config_for_rns self.save_attrs_to_config(config, ["ips"]) if self.ips is not None: config["ssh_creds"] = self.ssh_creds() return config
[docs] def is_up(self) -> bool: """Check if the cluster is up. Example: >>> rh.cluster("rh-cpu").is_up() """ return self.address is not None
[docs] def up_if_not(self): """Bring up the cluster if it is not up. No-op if cluster is already up. This only applies to on-demand clusters, and has no effect on self-managed clusters. Example: >>> rh.cluster("rh-cpu").up_if_not() """ if not self.is_up(): if not hasattr(self, "up"): raise NotImplementedError( f"Cluster <{}> does not have an up method." ) self.up() return self
def up(self): return self def keep_warm(self): f"cluster.keep_warm will have no effect on self-managed cluster {}." ) return self def _sync_runhouse_to_cluster(self, _install_url=None, env=None): if not self.address: raise ValueError(f"No address set for cluster <{}>. Is it up?") local_rh_package_path = Path(pkgutil.get_loader("runhouse").path).parent # Check if runhouse is installed from source and has if ( not _install_url and == "runhouse" and (local_rh_package_path.parent / "").exists() ): # Package is installed in editable mode local_rh_package_path = local_rh_package_path.parent dest_path = f"~/{}" self._rsync( source=str(local_rh_package_path), dest=dest_path, up=True, contents=True, filter_options="dir-merge,- .gitignore,- docs/", ) rh_install_cmd = "python3 -m pip install ./runhouse" # elif == 'site-packages': else: # Package is installed in site-packages # status_codes =['pip install runhouse-nightly=='], stream_logs=True) # rh_package = 'runhouse_nightly-0.0.1.dev20221202-py3-none-any.whl' # rh_download_cmd = f'curl{rh_package} --output {rh_package}' if not _install_url: import runhouse _install_url = f"runhouse=={runhouse.__version__}" rh_install_cmd = f"python3 -m pip install {_install_url}" install_cmd = f"{env._run_cmd} {rh_install_cmd}" if env else rh_install_cmd status_codes =[install_cmd], stream_logs=True) if status_codes[0][0] != 0: raise ValueError(f"Error installing runhouse on cluster <{}>")
[docs] def install_packages( self, reqs: List[Union["Package", str]], env: Union["Env", str] = None ): """Install the given packages on the cluster. Args: reqs (List[Package or str): List of packages to install on cluster and env env (Env or str): Environment to install package on. If left empty, defaults to base environment. (Default: ``None``) Example: >>> cluster.install_packages(reqs=["accelerate", "diffusers"]) >>> cluster.install_packages(reqs=["accelerate", "diffusers"], env="my_conda_env") """ from runhouse.resources.envs.env import Env self.check_server() env = _get_env_from(env) or Env(name=env or Env.DEFAULT_NAME) env.reqs = env._reqs + reqs
[docs] def get( self, key: str, default: Any = None, remote=False, stream_logs: bool = False ): """Get the result for a given key from the cluster's object store. To raise an error if the key is not found, use `cluster.get(key, default=KeyError)`.""" self.check_server() if self.on_this_cluster(): return obj_store.get(key, default=default) try: res = self.client.call_module_method( key, None, remote=remote, stream_logs=stream_logs, system=self ) except KeyError as e: if default == KeyError: raise e return default return res
# TODO deprecate def get_run(self, run_name: str, folder_path: str = None): self.check_server() return self.get(run_name, remote=True).provenance # TODO this doesn't need to be a dedicated rpc, it can just flow through and put_resource, # like installing packages. Also, it should accept an env (for env var secrets and docker envs).
[docs] def add_secrets(self, provider_secrets: dict): """Copy secrets from current environment onto the cluster""" self.check_server() return self.client.add_secrets(provider_secrets)
[docs] def put(self, key: str, obj: Any, env=None): """Put the given object on the cluster's object store at the given key.""" self.check_server() if self.on_this_cluster(): return obj_store.put(key, obj, env=env) return self.client.put_object(key, obj, env=env)
[docs] def put_resource(self, resource: Resource, state=None, dryrun=False): """Put the given resource on the cluster's object store. Returns the key (important if name is not set).""" self.check_server() env = ( resource.env if hasattr(resource, "env") else or resource.env_name if resource.RESOURCE_TYPE == "env" else None ) if self.on_this_cluster(): return obj_store.put(, value=resource, env=env) return self.client.put_resource( resource, state=state or {}, env=env, dryrun=dryrun )
[docs] def rename(self, old_key: str, new_key: str): """Rename a key in the cluster's object store.""" self.check_server() if self.on_this_cluster(): return obj_store.rename(old_key, new_key) return self.client.rename_object(old_key, new_key)
[docs] def keys(self, env=None): """List all keys in the cluster's object store.""" self.check_server() if self.on_this_cluster(): return obj_store.keys() res = self.client.keys(env=env) return res
[docs] def cancel(self, key: str, force=False): """Cancel a given run on cluster by its key.""" self.check_server() if self.on_this_cluster(): return obj_store.cancel(key, force=force) return self.client.cancel(key, force=force)
[docs] def cancel_all(self, force=False): """Cancel all runs on cluster.""" self.check_server() if self.on_this_cluster(): return obj_store.cancel_all(force=force) return self.client.cancel("all", force=force)
[docs] def delete(self, keys: Union[None, str, List[str]]): """Delete the given items from the cluster's object store. To delete all items, use `cluster.clear()`""" self.check_server() if isinstance(keys, str): keys = [keys] if self.on_this_cluster(): return obj_store.delete(keys) return self.client.delete(keys)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the cluster's object store.""" self.check_server() if self.on_this_cluster(): return obj_store.clear() return self.client.delete()
[docs] def on_this_cluster(self): """Whether this function is being called on the same cluster.""" return _current_cluster("name") == self.rns_address
# ----------------- RPC Methods ----------------- # def connect_server_client(self, force_reconnect=False): if not self.address: raise ValueError(f"No address set for cluster <{}>. Is it up?") if self._rpc_tunnel and force_reconnect: self._rpc_tunnel.close() tunnel_refcount = 0 ssh_tunnel = None if self.address in open_cluster_tunnels: ssh_tunnel, connected_port, tunnel_refcount = open_cluster_tunnels[ self.address ] if isinstance(ssh_tunnel, SSHTunnelForwarder): ssh_tunnel.check_tunnels() if ssh_tunnel.tunnel_is_up[ssh_tunnel.local_bind_address]: self._rpc_tunnel = ssh_tunnel if "localhost" in self.address or ":" in self.address: if ":" in self.address: # Case 1: "localhost:23324" or <real_ip>:<custom port> (e.g. a port is already open to the server) self._rpc_tunnel, connected_port = self.address.split(":") else: # Case 2: "localhost" self._rpc_tunnel, connected_port = self.address, HTTPClient.DEFAULT_PORT elif not ssh_tunnel: self._rpc_tunnel, connected_port = self.ssh_tunnel( HTTPClient.DEFAULT_PORT, remote_port=DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, num_ports_to_try=5, ) open_cluster_tunnels[self.address] = ( self._rpc_tunnel, connected_port, tunnel_refcount + 1, ) # Connecting to localhost because it's tunneled into the server at the specified port. creds = self.ssh_creds() if creds.get("password") and creds.get("ssh_user"): self.client = HTTPClient( host="", port=connected_port, auth=(creds.get("ssh_user"), creds.get("password")), ) else: self.client = HTTPClient(host="", port=connected_port) def check_server(self, restart_server=True): if self.on_this_cluster(): return # For OnDemandCluster, this initial check doesn't trigger a sky.status, which is slow. # If cluster simply doesn't have an address we likely need to up it. if not self.address and not self.is_up(): if not hasattr(self, "up"): raise ValueError( "Cluster must have a host address (i.e. be up) or have a reup_cluster method " "(e.g. OnDemandCluster)." ) # If this is a OnDemandCluster, before we up the cluster, run a sky.status to see if the cluster # is already up but doesn't have an address assigned yet. self.up_if_not() if not self.client: try: self.connect_server_client() cluster_config = self.config_for_rns if "sky_state" in cluster_config.keys(): # a bunch of setup commands that mess up json dump del cluster_config["sky_state"]"Checking server {}") self.client.check_server(cluster_config=cluster_config)"Server {} is up.") except ( requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, sshtunnel.BaseSSHTunnelForwarderError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout, requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError, ): # It's possible that the cluster went down while we were trying to install packages. if not self.is_up():"Server {} is down.") self.up_if_not() elif restart_server: f"Server {} is up, but the HTTP server may not be up." ) self.restart_server() for i in range(5):"Checking server {} again [{i + 1}/5].") try: self.client.check_server(cluster_config=cluster_config)"Server {} is up.") return except ( requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout, ) as error: if i == 5: print(error) time.sleep(5) raise ValueError(f"Could not connect to cluster <{}>") return def ssh_tunnel( self, local_port, remote_port=None, num_ports_to_try: int = 0 ) -> Tuple[SSHTunnelForwarder, int]: # Debugging cmds (mac): # netstat -vanp tcp | grep 5005 # lsof -i :5005_ # kill -9 <pid> creds: dict = self.ssh_creds() connected = False ssh_tunnel = None while not connected: try: if local_port > local_port + num_ports_to_try: raise Exception( f"Failed to create SSH tunnel after {num_ports_to_try} attempts" ) if creds.get("ssh_proxy_command"): # Start a tunnel using in a thread, instead of ssh_tunnel ssh_credentials = copy.copy(self.ssh_creds()) host = ssh_credentials.pop("ssh_host", self.address) runner = SkySSHRunner(host, **ssh_credentials) runner.tunnel(local_port, remote_port) ssh_tunnel = runner # Just to keep the object in memory else: ssh_tunnel = SSHTunnelForwarder( self.address, ssh_username=creds.get("ssh_user"), ssh_pkey=creds.get("ssh_private_key"), ssh_password=creds.get("password"), local_bind_address=("", local_port), remote_bind_address=( "", remote_port or local_port, ), set_keepalive=1, # mute_exceptions=True, ) ssh_tunnel.start() connected = True except HandlerSSHTunnelForwarderError: # try connecting with a different port - most likely the issue is the port is already taken local_port += 1 num_ports_to_try -= 1 pass return ssh_tunnel, local_port @classmethod def _start_server_cmds(cls, restart, restart_ray, screen, create_logfile): cmds = [] if restart: cmds.append(cls.SERVER_STOP_CMD) if restart_ray: cmds.append(cls.RAY_KILL_CMD) # TODO Add in BOOTSTRAP file if it exists? cmds.append(cls.RAY_START_CMD) if screen: if create_logfile and not Path(cls.SERVER_LOGFILE).exists(): Path(cls.SERVER_LOGFILE).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(cls.SERVER_LOGFILE).touch() cmds.append(cls.START_SCREEN_CMD) else: cmds.append(cls.SERVER_START_CMD) return cmds
[docs] def restart_server( self, _rh_install_url: str = None, resync_rh: bool = True, restart_ray: bool = True, env_activate_cmd: str = None, ): """Restart the RPC server. Args: resync_rh (bool): Whether to resync runhouse. (Default: ``True``) restart_ray (bool): Whether to restart Ray. (Default: ``True``) env_activate_cmd (str, optional): Command to activate the environment on the server. (Default: ``None``) Example: >>> rh.cluster("rh-cpu").restart_server() """"Restarting HTTP server on {}.") if resync_rh: self._sync_runhouse_to_cluster(_install_url=_rh_install_url) cmd = self.CLI_RESTART_CMD + (" --no-restart-ray" if not restart_ray else "") cmd = f"{env_activate_cmd} && {cmd}" if env_activate_cmd else cmd status_codes =[cmd]) if not status_codes[0][0] == 0: raise ValueError(f"Failed to restart server {}.") # As of 2023-15-May still seems we need this. time.sleep(5) return status_codes
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def pause_autostop(self): """Context manager to temporarily pause autostop. Mainly for OnDemand clusters, for BYO cluster there is no autostop.""" pass
[docs] def call( self, module_name, method_name, *args, stream_logs=True, run_name=None, remote=False, run_async=False, save=False, **kwargs, ): """Call a method on a module that is in the cluster's object store. Args: module_name (str): Name of the module saved on system. method_name (str): Name of the method. stream_logs (bool): Whether to stream logs from the method call. run_name (str): Name for the run. remote (bool): Return a remote object from the function, rather than the result proper. run_async (bool): Run the method asynchronously and return a run_key to retreive results and logs later. *args: Positional arguments to pass to the method. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the method. Example: >>>"my_module", "my_method", arg1, arg2, kwarg1=kwarg1) """ self.check_server() # Note: might be single value, might be a generator! if self.on_this_cluster(): # TODO pass return self.client.call_module_method( module_name, method_name, stream_logs=stream_logs, run_name=run_name, remote=remote, run_async=run_async, save=save, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, system=self, )
[docs] def is_connected(self): """Whether the RPC tunnel is up. Example: >>> connected = cluster.is_connected() """ return self.client is not None
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Disconnect the RPC tunnel. Example: >>> cluster.disconnect() """ if self._rpc_tunnel: self._rpc_tunnel.stop()
# if self.client: # self.client.shutdown() def __getstate__(self): """Delete non-serializable elements (e.g. thread locks) before pickling.""" state = self.__dict__.copy() state["client"] = None state["_rpc_tunnel"] = None return state # ----------------- SSH Methods ----------------- #
[docs] def ssh_creds(self): """Retrieve SSH credentials.""" return self._ssh_creds
def _fsspec_sync(self, source: str, dest: str, up: bool): from runhouse.resources.folders import folder"Syncing files from {source} to {dest} using fsspec") f = folder(system=self, path="", dryrun=True) fs = f.fsspec_fs if up: # local to cluster if (Path(source) / ".gitignore").exists(): tracked_files = ( subprocess.check_output( "git ls-files --cached --exclude-standard", cwd=source, shell=True, ) .decode("utf-8") .split() ) # exclude docs/ when syncing over runhouse if Path(source).name == "runhouse": tracked_files = [ file for file in tracked_files if "docs/" not in file ] untracked_files = ( subprocess.check_output( "git ls-files --other --exclude-standard", cwd=source, shell=True, ) .decode("utf-8") .split() ) files = [ Path(source) / file for file in tracked_files + untracked_files ] fs.put(files, dest, recursive=True, create_dir=True) else: fs.put(source, dest, recursive=True, create_dir=True) else: # cluster to local if fs.exists(str(Path(source) / ".gitignore")): files = [f"cd {source} && git ls-files --cached --exclude-standard"] )[0][1] files = files.split() fs.get(files, dest, recursive=True, create_dir=True) else: # the following errors if {source} is a directory so currently working around by extracting files # fs.get(source, dest, recursive=True, create_dir=True) files = fs.find(source) fs.get(files, dest, recursive=True, create_dir=True) def _rsync( self, source: str, dest: str, up: bool, contents: bool = False, filter_options: str = None, ): """ Sync the contents of the source directory into the destination. .. note: Ending `source` with a slash will copy the contents of the directory into dest, while omitting it will copy the directory itself (adding a directory layer). """ # FYI, could be useful: if contents: source = source + "/" if not source.endswith("/") else source dest = dest + "/" if not dest.endswith("/") else dest ssh_credentials = copy.copy(self.ssh_creds()) ssh_credentials.pop("ssh_host", self.address) if not ssh_credentials.get("password"): # Use SkyPilot command runner if not ssh_credentials.get("ssh_private_key"): ssh_credentials["ssh_private_key"] = None runner = SkySSHRunner(self.address, **ssh_credentials) if up:["mkdir", "-p", dest], stream_logs=False) else: Path(dest).expanduser().parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) runner.rsync( source, dest, up=up, filter_options=filter_options, stream_logs=False ) else: if dest.startswith("~/"): dest = dest[2:] self._fsspec_sync(source, dest, up)
[docs] def ssh(self): """SSH into the cluster Example: >>> rh.cluster("rh-cpu").ssh() """ creds = self.ssh_creds() if creds.get("ssh_private_key"): cmd = ( f"ssh {creds['ssh_user']}:{self.address} -i {creds['ssh_private_key']}" ) else: # if needs a password, will prompt for manual password cmd = f"ssh {creds['ssh_user']}@{self.address}"" "))
def _ping(self, timeout=5): ssh_call = threading.Thread(target=lambda:['echo "hello"'])) ssh_call.start() ssh_call.join(timeout=timeout) if ssh_call.is_alive(): raise TimeoutError("SSH call timed out") return True
[docs] def run( self, commands: List[str], env: Union["Env", str] = None, stream_logs: bool = True, port_forward: Union[None, int, Tuple[int, int]] = None, require_outputs: bool = True, run_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> list: """Run a list of shell commands on the cluster. If `run_name` is provided, the commands will be sent over to the cluster before being executed and a Run object will be created. Example: >>>["pip install numpy"]) >>>["pip install numpy", env="my_conda_env"]) >>>["python"], run_name="my_exp") """ # TODO [DG] suspend autostop while running from runhouse.resources.provenance import run cmd_prefix = "" if env: if isinstance(env, str): from runhouse.resources.envs import Env env = Env.from_name(env) cmd_prefix = env._run_cmd if not run_name: # If not creating a Run then just run the commands via SSH and return return self._run_commands_with_ssh( commands, cmd_prefix, stream_logs, port_forward, require_outputs ) # Create and save the Run locally with run(name=run_name, cmds=commands, overwrite=True) as r: return_codes = self._run_commands_with_ssh( commands, cmd_prefix, stream_logs, port_forward, require_outputs ) # Register the completed Run r._register_cmd_run_completion(return_codes)"Saved Run to path: {r.folder.path}") return return_codes
def _run_commands_with_ssh( self, commands: list, cmd_prefix: str, stream_logs: bool, port_forward: int = None, require_outputs: bool = True, ): return_codes = [] ssh_credentials = copy.copy(self.ssh_creds()) host = ssh_credentials.pop("ssh_host", self.address) if not ssh_credentials.get("password"): runner = SkySSHRunner(host, **ssh_credentials) for command in commands: command = f"{cmd_prefix} {command}" if cmd_prefix else command"Running command on {}: {command}") ret_code = command, require_outputs=require_outputs, stream_logs=stream_logs, port_forward=port_forward, ) return_codes.append(ret_code) else: import paramiko log_path = os.devnull log_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.dirname(log_path)) os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) with paramiko.SSHClient() as ssh: ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect( self.address, username=ssh_credentials.get("ssh_user"), # key_filename=ssh_credentials.get("ssh_private_key", None), password=ssh_credentials.get("password"), ) # bash warnings to remove from stderr skip_err = [ "bash: cannot set terminal process group", "bash: no job control in this shell", ] for command in commands:"Running command on {}: {command}") if stream_logs: command += f"| tee {log_path} " command += "; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}" else: command += f"> {log_path}" # adapted from skypilot's ssh command runner command = ( "bash --login -c -i $'true && source ~/.bashrc" "&& export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore" f" && ({cmd_prefix} {command})'" ) transport = ssh.get_transport() channel = transport.open_session() channel.exec_command(command) stdout = channel.recv(-1).decode() exit_code = channel.recv_exit_status() stderr = channel.recv_stderr(-1).decode() stderr = stderr.split("\n") stderr = [ err for err in stderr if not any(skip in err for skip in skip_err) ] stderr = "\n".join(stderr) channel.close() if require_outputs: return_codes.append((exit_code, stdout, stderr)) else: return_codes.append(exit_code) return return_codes
[docs] def run_python( self, commands: List[str], env: Union["Env", str] = None, stream_logs: bool = True, port_forward: Optional[int] = None, run_name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Run a list of python commands on the cluster. Example: >>> cpu.run_python(['import numpy', 'print(numpy.__version__)']) >>> cpu.run_python(["print('hello')"]) Note: Running Python commands with nested quotes can be finicky. If using nested quotes, try to wrap the outer quote with double quotes (") and the inner quotes with a single quote ('). """ cmd_prefix = "python3 -c" if env: if isinstance(env, str): from runhouse.resources.envs import Env env = Env.from_name(env) cmd_prefix = f"{env._run_cmd} {cmd_prefix}" command_str = "; ".join(commands) command_str_repr = ( repr(repr(command_str))[2:-2] if self.ssh_creds().get("password") else command_str ) formatted_command = f'{cmd_prefix} "{command_str_repr}"' # If invoking a run as part of the python commands also return the Run object return_codes = [formatted_command], stream_logs=stream_logs, port_forward=port_forward, run_name=run_name, ) return return_codes
[docs] def sync_secrets(self, providers: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Send secrets for the given providers. Args: providers(List[str] or None): List of providers to send secrets for. If `None`, all providers configured in the environment will by sent. Example: >>> cpu.sync_secrets(providers=["aws", "lambda"]) """ from runhouse import Secrets, providers=providers)
def ipython(self): # TODO tunnel into python interpreter in cluster pass
[docs] def notebook( self, persist: bool = False, sync_package_on_close: Optional[str] = None, port_forward: int = 8888, ): """Tunnel into and launch notebook from the cluster. Example: >>> rh.cluster("test-cluster").notebook() """ tunnel, port_fwd = self.ssh_tunnel(local_port=port_forward, num_ports_to_try=10) try: install_cmd = "pip install jupyterlab" jupyter_cmd = f"jupyter lab --port {port_fwd} --no-browser" with self.pause_autostop():[install_cmd, jupyter_cmd], stream_logs=True) finally: if sync_package_on_close: from runhouse.resources.packages.package import Package if sync_package_on_close == "./": sync_package_on_close = rns_client.locate_working_dir() pkg = Package.from_string("local:" + sync_package_on_close) self._rsync(source=f"~/{}", dest=pkg.local_path, up=False) if not persist: tunnel.stop() kill_jupyter_cmd = f"jupyter notebook stop {port_fwd}"[kill_jupyter_cmd])
[docs] def remove_conda_env( self, env: Union[str, "CondaEnv"], ): """Remove conda env from the cluster. Example: >>> rh.ondemand_cluster("rh-cpu").remove_conda_env("my_conda_env") """ env_name = env if isinstance(env, str) else env.env_name[f"conda env remove -n {env_name}"])