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Source code for runhouse.resources.folders.folder

import copy
import logging
import os
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Union

import fsspec

import sshfs

from runhouse.globals import rns_client
from runhouse.resources.hardware import (
from runhouse.resources.resource import Resource
from runhouse.rns.top_level_rns_fns import exists
from runhouse.rns.utils.api import generate_uuid

fsspec.register_implementation("ssh", sshfs.SSHFileSystem)
# SSHFileSystem is not yet builtin.
# Line above suggested by fsspec devs:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "aws": "s3",
    "gcp": "gs",
    "azure": "abfs",
    "oracle": "ocifs",
    "databricks": "dbfs",
    "github": "github",

[docs]class Folder(Resource): RESOURCE_TYPE = "folder" DEFAULT_FS = "file" CLUSTER_FS = "ssh" DEFAULT_FOLDER_PATH = "/runhouse-folder" DEFAULT_CACHE_FOLDER = "~/.cache/runhouse"
[docs] def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, system: Union[str, Cluster] = None, dryrun: bool = False, local_mount: bool = False, data_config: Optional[Dict] = None, **kwargs, # We have this here to ignore extra arguments when calling from from_config ): """ Runhouse Folder object. .. note:: To build a folder, please use the factory method :func:`folder`. """ super().__init__(name=name, dryrun=dryrun) self._system = None self._fsspec_fs = None self._fsspec_fs_str = None current_cluster_config = _current_cluster(key="config") if current_cluster_config and system is None: self.system = Cluster.from_config(current_cluster_config) elif isinstance(system, dict): self.system = Cluster.from_config(system) else: self.system = system or self.DEFAULT_FS # TODO [DG] Should we ever be allowing this to be None? self._path = ( self.default_path(self.rns_address, system) if path is None else path if isinstance(system, Resource) else path if Path(path).expanduser().is_absolute() else str(Path(rns_client.locate_working_dir()) / path) ) self.data_config = data_config or {} self.local_mount = local_mount self._local_mount_path = None if local_mount: self.mount(tmp=True)
def __getstate__(self): """Override the pickle method to clear _fsspec_fs before pickling.""" state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_fsspec_fs"] = None return state @classmethod def default_path(cls, rns_address, system): if system == Folder.DEFAULT_FS or isinstance(system, Cluster): if rns_address: return str( Path.cwd() / rns_client.split_rns_name_and_path(rns_address)[0] ) # saves to cwd / name return f"{Folder.DEFAULT_CACHE_FOLDER}/{generate_uuid()}" else: # If no path provided for a remote file system default to its name if provided if rns_address: name = rns_address[1:].replace("/", "_") + f".{cls.RESOURCE_TYPE}" return f"{Folder.DEFAULT_FOLDER_PATH}/{name}" return f"{Folder.DEFAULT_FOLDER_PATH}/{generate_uuid()}" # ---------------------------------- @staticmethod def from_config(config: dict, dryrun=False, _resolve_children=True): if _resolve_children: config = Folder._check_for_child_configs(config) """Load config values into the object.""" if config["system"] == "s3": from .s3_folder import S3Folder return S3Folder.from_config(config, dryrun=dryrun) elif config["system"] == "gs": from .gcs_folder import GCSFolder return GCSFolder.from_config(config, dryrun=dryrun) elif config["system"] == "azure": from .azure_folder import AzureFolder return AzureFolder.from_config(config, dryrun=dryrun) elif isinstance(config["system"], dict): config["system"] = Cluster.from_config(config["system"], dryrun=dryrun) return Folder(**config, dryrun=dryrun) @classmethod def _check_for_child_configs(cls, config): """Overload by child resources to load any resources they hold internally.""" system = config["system"] if isinstance(system, str) and system not in RESERVED_SYSTEM_NAMES: config["system"] = rns_client.load_config(name=system) or system return config @property def path(self): if self._path is not None: if self.system == Folder.DEFAULT_FS: return str(Path(self._path).expanduser()) elif self._fs_str == self.CLUSTER_FS and self._path.startswith("~/"): # sftp takes relative paths to the home directory but doesn't understand '~' return str(self._path[2:]) return str(self._path) else: return None @path.setter def path(self, path): self._path = path self._local_mount_path = None @property def system(self): return self._system @system.setter def system(self, data_source): self._system = data_source self._fsspec_fs = None # Maybe figure out how to free sshfs properly ( # def __del__(self): # if self.local_mount: # self.unmount() # if self._fsspec_fs and hasattr(self._fsspec_fs, "close"): # self._fsspec_fs.close() @property def data_config(self): if isinstance(self.system, Resource): # if system is a cluster # handle case cluster is itself if self.system.on_this_cluster(): return self._data_config if not self.system.address: self.system._update_from_sky_status(dryrun=False) if not self.system.address: raise ValueError( "Cluster must be started before copying data from it." ) creds = self.system.ssh_creds() client_keys = ( [str(Path(creds["ssh_private_key"]).expanduser())] if creds.get("ssh_private_key") else [] ) password = creds.get("password", None) config_creds = { "host": creds.get("ssh_host") or self.system.address, "username": creds.get("ssh_user"), # 'key_filename': str(Path(creds['ssh_private_key']).expanduser())} # For SFTP "client_keys": client_keys, # For SSHFS "password": password, "connect_timeout": "3s", "proxy_command": creds.get("ssh_proxy_command"), } ret_config = self._data_config.copy() ret_config.update(config_creds) return ret_config return self._data_config @data_config.setter def data_config(self, data_config): self._data_config = data_config self._fsspec_fs = None @property def _fs_str(self): if isinstance(self.system, Resource): # if system is a cluster if self.system.on_this_cluster(): return self.DEFAULT_FS return self.CLUSTER_FS else: return self.system @property def fsspec_fs(self): if self._fsspec_fs_str != self._fs_str or self._fsspec_fs is None: self._fsspec_fs_str = self._fs_str self._fsspec_fs = fsspec.filesystem(self._fsspec_fs_str, **self.data_config) return self._fsspec_fs @property def local_path(self): if self.is_local(): return self._local_mount_path or str(Path(self.path).expanduser()) else: return None
[docs] def is_writable(self): """Whether the folder is writable. Example: >>> if my_folder.is_writable(): >>> .... """ # If the filesystem hasn't overridden mkdirs, it's a no-op and the filesystem is probably readonly # (e.g. # In that case, we should just create a new folder in the default # location and add it as a child to the parent folder. return self.fsspec_fs.__class__.mkdirs == fsspec.AbstractFileSystem.mkdirs
[docs] def mv( self, system, path: Optional[str] = None, data_config: Optional[dict] = None ) -> None: """Move the folder to a new filesystem or cluster. Example: >>> folder = rh.folder(path="local/path") >>> >>>"s3", "s3_bucket/path") """ # TODO [DG] use _generate_default_path if path is None: path = "rh/" + self.rns_address data_config = data_config or {} with, **self.data_config) as src: with"{system}://{path}", **data_config) as dest: # NOTE For packages, maybe use the `ignore` param here to only copy python files. new_path = shutil.move(src, dest) self.path = new_path self.system = system self.data_config = data_config or {}
[docs] def to( self, system: Union[str, "Cluster"], path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, data_config: Optional[dict] = None, ): """Copy the folder to a new filesystem, and return a new Folder object pointing to the new location.""" if system == "here": current_cluster_config = _current_cluster(key="config") if current_cluster_config: system = Cluster.from_config(current_cluster_config) else: system = "file" path = str(Path.cwd() / self.path.split("/")[-1]) if path is None else path path = str( path or self.default_path(self.rns_address, system) ) # Make sure it's a string and not a Path system_str = getattr( system, "name", system ) # Use if available, i.e. system is a cluster f"Copying folder from {self.fsspec_url} to: {system_str}, with path: {path}" ) # to_local, to_cluster and to_data_store are also overridden by subclasses to dispatch # to more performant cloud-specific APIs system = _get_cluster_from(system) if system == "file": return self._to_local(dest_path=path, data_config=data_config) elif isinstance(system, Cluster): # If system is a cluster return self._to_cluster(dest_cluster=system, path=path) elif system in ["s3", "gs", "azure"]: return self._to_data_store( system=system, data_store_path=path, data_config=data_config ) else: self._fsspec_copy(system, path, data_config) new_folder = copy.deepcopy(self) new_folder.path = path new_folder.system = system new_folder.data_config = data_config or {} return new_folder
def _fsspec_copy(self, system: str, path: str, data_config: dict): """Copy the fsspec filesystem to the given new filesystem and path.""" # Fallback for other fsspec filesystems, but very slow: system = system or Folder.DEFAULT_FS if self.is_local(): self.fsspec_fs.put(self.path, f"{system}://{path}", recursive=True) else: # This is really really slow, maybe use skyplane, as follows: # src_url = f'local://{self.path}' if self.is_local() else self.fsspec_url #['skyplane', 'sync', src_url, f'{system}://{path}']) # FYI: from # Maybe copy chunks src = fsspec.get_mapper(self.fsspec_url, create=False, **self.data_config) dest = fsspec.get_mapper(f"{system}://{path}", create=True, **data_config) # dest.system.mkdir(dest.root, create_parents=True) import tqdm for k in tqdm.tqdm(src): # NOTE For packages, maybe use the `ignore` param here to only copy python files. dest[k] = src[k] # dst.write(
[docs] def destination_folder( self, dest_path: str, dest_system: Optional[str] = "file", data_config: Optional[dict] = None, ): """Returns a new Folder object pointing to the destination folder.""" new_folder = copy.deepcopy(self) new_folder.path = dest_path new_folder.system = dest_system new_folder.data_config = data_config or {} return new_folder
def _to_local(self, dest_path: str, data_config: dict): """Copies folder to local.""" if ( self._fs_str == "file" ): # Also covers the case where we're on the cluster at system # Simply move the files within local system shutil.copytree(src=self.path, dst=dest_path) elif isinstance(self.system, Cluster): return self._cluster_to_local(cluster=self.system, dest_path=dest_path) else: self._fsspec_copy("file", dest_path, data_config) return self.destination_folder( dest_path=dest_path, dest_system="file", data_config=data_config ) def _to_data_store( self, system: str, data_store_path: Optional[str] = None, data_config: Optional[dict] = None, ): """Local or cluster to blob storage.""" local_folder_path = self.path folder_config = self.config_for_rns folder_config["system"] = system folder_config["path"] = data_store_path folder_config["data_config"] = data_config new_folder = Folder.from_config(folder_config) if ( self._fs_str == "file" ): # Also covers the case where we're on the cluster at system new_folder._upload(src=local_folder_path) elif isinstance(self.system, Cluster): [ new_folder._upload_command( src=local_folder_path, dest=new_folder.path ) ] ) else: self._fsspec_copy("file", data_store_path, data_config) return new_folder
[docs] @staticmethod def rsync(local, remote, data_config, up=True): """Rsync local folder to remote.""" dest_str = f'{data_config["username"]}@{data_config["host"]}:{remote}' src_str = local if not up: src_str, dest_str = dest_str, src_str cmd = ( f'rsync {src_str} {dest_str} --password_file {data_config["key_filename"]}' ) subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(cmd))
[docs] def mkdir(self): """Create the folder in specified file system if it doesn't already exist.""" folder_path = self.path if Path(os.path.basename(folder_path)).suffix != "": folder_path = str(Path(folder_path).parent) f"Creating new {self._fs_str} folder if it does not already exist in path: {folder_path}" ) self.fsspec_fs.mkdirs(folder_path, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def mount(self, path: Optional[str] = None, tmp: bool = False) -> str: """Mount the folder locally. Example: remote_folder = rh.folder("folder/path", system="s3") local_mount = remote_folder.mount() """ # TODO check that fusepy and FUSE are installed if tmp: self._local_mount_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() else: self._local_mount_path = path remote_fs = self.fsspec_fs fs=remote_fs, path=self.path, mount_point=self._local_mount_path ) return self._local_mount_path
def _to_cluster(self, dest_cluster, path=None, mount=False): """Copy the folder from a file or cluster source onto a destination cluster.""" if not dest_cluster.address: raise ValueError("Cluster must be started before copying data to it.") # Create tmp_mount if needed if not self.is_local() and mount: self.mount(tmp=True) dest_path = path or f"~/{Path(self.path).name}" # Need to add slash for rsync to copy the contents of the folder dest_folder = copy.deepcopy(self) dest_folder.path = dest_path dest_folder.system = dest_cluster if self._fs_str == "file": # Includes case where we're on the cluster dest_cluster._rsync( source=self.path, dest=dest_path, up=True, contents=True ) elif isinstance(self.system, Resource): if self.system.rns_address == dest_cluster.rns_address: # We're on the same cluster, so we can just move the files if not path: # If user didn't specify a path, we can just return self return self else: [f"mkdir -p {dest_path}", f"cp -r {self.path}/* {dest_path}"], ) else: self._cluster_to_cluster(dest_cluster, dest_path) else: # data store folders have their own specific _to_cluster functions raise TypeError( f"`Sending from filesystem type {type(self.system)} is not supported" ) return dest_folder def _cluster_to_cluster(self, dest_cluster, dest_path): src_path = self.path cluster_creds = self.system.ssh_creds() if not cluster_creds.get("password") and not dest_cluster.ssh_creds().get( "password" ): creds_file = cluster_creds.get("ssh_private_key") creds_cmd = f"-i '{creds_file}' " if creds_file else ""[f"mkdir -p {dest_path}"]) command = ( f"rsync -Pavz --filter='dir-merge,- .gitignore' -e \"ssh {creds_cmd}" f"-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes " f"-o ServerAliveInterval=5 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o ConnectTimeout=30s -o ForwardAgent=yes " f'-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=300s" {src_path}/ {dest_cluster.address}:{dest_path}' ) status_codes =[command]) if status_codes[0][0] != 0: raise Exception( f"Error syncing folder to destination cluster ({}). " f"Make sure the source cluster ({}) has the necessary provider keys " f"if applicable. " f"For example: `{}, providers=['aws'])`" ) else: local_folder = self._cluster_to_local(self.system, self.path) local_folder._to_cluster(dest_cluster, dest_path) def _cluster_to_local(self, cluster, dest_path): """Create a local folder with dest_path from the cluster. This function rsyncs down the data and return a folder with system=='file'. """ if not cluster.address: raise ValueError("Cluster must be started before copying data from it.") Path(dest_path).expanduser().mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cluster._rsync( source=self.path, dest=str(Path(dest_path).expanduser()), up=False, contents=True, ) new_folder = copy.deepcopy(self) new_folder.path = dest_path new_folder.system = "file" # Don't need to do anything with _data_config because cluster creds are injected virtually through the # data_config property return new_folder
[docs] def is_local(self): """Whether the folder is on the local filesystem. Example: >>> is_local = my_folder.is_local() """ return ( self._fs_str == "file" and self.path is not None and Path(self.path).expanduser().exists() ) or self._local_mount_path
def _upload(self, src: str, region: Optional[str] = None): """Upload a folder to a remote bucket.""" raise NotImplementedError def _upload_command(self, src: str, dest: str): """CLI command for uploading folder to remote bucket. Needed when uploading a folder from a cluster.""" raise NotImplementedError def _run_upload_cli_cmd(self, sync_dir_command: str, access_denied_message: str): """Uploads a folder to a remote bucket. Based on the CLI command skypilot uses to upload the folder""" from import run_upload_cli run_upload_cli( command=sync_dir_command, access_denied_message=access_denied_message, bucket_name=self._bucket_name_from_path(self.path), ) def _download(self, dest): raise NotImplementedError def _download_command(self, src, dest): """CLI command for downloading folder from remote bucket. Needed when downloading a folder to a cluster.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def config_for_rns(self): config = super().config_for_rns config_attrs = ["local_mount", "data_config"] self.save_attrs_to_config(config, config_attrs) if self.system == Folder.DEFAULT_FS: # If folder is local check whether path is relative, and if so take it relative to the working director # rather than to the home directory. If absolute, it's left alone. config["path"] = ( self._path_relative_to_rh_workdir(self.path) if self.path else None ) else: # if not a local filesystem save path as is (e.g. bucket/path) config["path"] = self.path if isinstance(self.system, Resource): # If system is a cluster config["system"] = self._resource_string_for_subconfig(self.system) else: config["system"] = self.system return config def _save_sub_resources(self): if isinstance(self.system, Resource): @staticmethod def _path_relative_to_rh_workdir(path): rh_workdir = Path(rns_client.locate_working_dir()) try: return str(Path(path).relative_to(rh_workdir)) except ValueError: return path @property def fsspec_url(self): """Generate the FSSpec URL using the file system and path of the folder""" if self.path.startswith("/") and self._fs_str not in [ rns_client.DEFAULT_FS, self.CLUSTER_FS, ]: return f"{self._fs_str}:/{self.path}" else: # For local, ssh / sftp filesystems we need both slashes # e.g.: 'ssh:///home/ubuntu/.cache/runhouse/tables/dede71ef83ce45ffa8cb27d746f97ee8' return f"{self._fs_str}://{self.path}"
[docs] def ls(self, full_paths: bool = True, sort: bool = False) -> list: """List the contents of the folder. Args: full_paths (Optional[bool]): Whether to list the full paths of the folder contents. Defaults to ``True``. sort (Optional[bool]): Whether to sort the folder contents by time modified. Defaults to ``False``. """ paths = if self.path else [] if sort: paths = sorted( paths, key=lambda f:["mtime"], reverse=True ) if full_paths: return paths else: return [Path(path).name for path in paths]
[docs] def resources(self, full_paths: bool = False): """List the resources in the *RNS* folder. Example: >>> resources = my_folder.resources() """ try: resources = [ path for path in if (Path(path) / "config.json").exists() ] except FileNotFoundError: return [] if full_paths: return [self.rns_address + "/" + Path(path).stem for path in resources] else: return [Path(path).stem for path in resources]
@property def rns_address(self): """Traverse up the filesystem until reaching one of the directories in rns_base_folders, then compute the relative path to that. """ # TODO Maybe later, account for folders along the path with a different RNS name. if is None: # Anonymous folders have no rns address return None # Only should be necessary when a new base folder is being added (therefore isn't in rns_base_folders yet) if self._rns_folder: return str(Path(self._rns_folder) / if self.path in rns_client.rns_base_folders.values(): if self._rns_folder: return self._rns_folder + "/" + else: return rns_client.default_folder + "/" + segment = Path(self.path) while ( str(segment) not in rns_client.rns_base_folders.values() and not segment == Path.home() and not segment == segment.parent ): segment = segment.parent if ( segment == Path.home() or segment == segment.parent ): # TODO throw an error instead? return rns_client.default_folder + "/" + else: base_folder = Folder(path=str(segment), dryrun=True) base_folder_path = base_folder.rns_address relative_path = str(Path(self.path).relative_to(base_folder.path)) return base_folder_path + "/" + relative_path
[docs] def contains(self, name_or_path) -> bool: """Whether path of a Folder exists locally. Example: >>> my_folder = rh.folder("local/folder/path") >>> in_folder = my_folder.contains("filename") """ path, _ = self.locate(name_or_path) return path is not None
[docs] def locate(self, name_or_path) -> (str, str): """Locate the local path of a Folder given an rns path. Example: >>> my_folder = rh.folder("local/folder/path") >>> local_path = my_folder.locate("file_name") """ # Note: Keep in mind we're using both _rns_ path and physical path logic below. Be careful! # If the path is already given relative to the current folder: if (Path(self.path) / name_or_path).exists(): return str(Path(self.path) / name_or_path), self.system # If name or path uses ~/ or ./, need to resolve with folder path abs_path = rns_client.resolve_rns_path(name_or_path) rns_path = self.rns_address # If this folder is anonymous, it has no rns contents if rns_path is None: return None, None if abs_path == rns_path: return self.path, self.system try: child_path = Path(self.path) / Path(abs_path).relative_to(rns_path) if child_path.exists(): return str(child_path), self.system except ValueError: pass # Last resort, recursively search inside sub-folders and children. segments = abs_path.lstrip("/").split("/") if len(segments) == 1: return ( None, None, ) # If only a single element, would have been found in ls above. # Look for lowest folder in the path that exists in filesystem, and recurse from that folder greatest_common_folder = Path(self.path) i = 0 for i, seg in enumerate(segments): if not (greatest_common_folder / seg).exists(): break greatest_common_folder = greatest_common_folder / seg if not str(greatest_common_folder) == self.path: return Folder( path=str(greatest_common_folder), system=self.system, dryrun=True ).locate("/".join(segments[i + 1 :])) return None, None
[docs] def open(self, name, mode="rb", encoding=None): """Returns an fsspec file, which must be used as a content manager to be opened. Example: >>> with'obj_name') as my_file: >>> pickle.load(my_file) """ return + "/" + name, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def get(self, name, mode="rb", encoding=None): """Returns the contents of a file as a string or bytes. Example: >>> contents = my_folder.get(file_name) """ with, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) as f: return
# TODO [DG] fix this to follow the correct convention above def get_all(self): # TODO add docs for this # TODO we're not closing these, do we need to extract file-like objects so we can close them? return fsspec.open_files(self.fsspec_url, mode="rb", **self.data_config)
[docs] def exists_in_system(self): """Whether the folder exists in the filesystem. Example: >>> exists_on_system = my_folder.exists_in_system() """ return self.fsspec_fs.exists(self.path) or exists(self.path)
[docs] def rm(self, contents: list = None, recursive: bool = True): """Delete a folder from the file system. Optionally provide a list of folder contents to delete. Args: contents (Optional[List]): Specific contents to delete in the folder. recursive (bool): Delete the folder itself (including all its contents). Defaults to ``True``. Example: >>> my_folder.rm() """ if not contents: try: self.fsspec_fs.rm(self.path, recursive=recursive) except FileNotFoundError: pass else: for file_name in contents: try: self.fsspec_fs.rm(f"{self.path}/{file_name}") except FileNotFoundError: pass
[docs] def put( self, contents, overwrite=False, mode: str = "wb", write_fn: Callable = None ): """Put given contents in folder. Args: contents (Dict[str, Any] or Resource or List[Resource]): Contents to put in folder. Must be a dict with keys being the file names (without full paths) and values being the file-like objects to write, or a Resource object, or a list of Resources. overwrite (bool): Whether to dump the file contents as json. By default expects data to be encoded. Defaults to ``False``. mode (Optional(str)): Write mode to use for fsspec. Defaults to ``wb``. write_fn (Optional(Callable)): Function to use for writing file contents. Example: ``write_fn = lambda f, data: json.dump(data, f) Example: >>> my_folder.put(contents={"filename.txt": data}) """ self.mkdir() # Handle lists of resources just for convenience if isinstance(contents, list): for resource in contents: self.put(resource, overwrite=overwrite) return if isinstance(contents, Folder): if not self.is_writable(): raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot put files into non-writable folder { or self.path}" ) if contents.path is None: # Should only be the case when Folder is created contents.path = self.path + "/" + contents.system = self.system # The parent can be anonymous, e.g. the 'rh' folder. # TODO not sure if this should be allowed - if parent folder has no rns address, why would child # just be put into the default rns folder? # TODO If the base is named later, figure out what to do with the contents (rename, resave, etc.). if self.rns_address is None: contents.rns_path = rns_client.default_folder + "/" + rns_client.rns_base_folders.update( {contents.rns_address: contents.path} ) # We don't need to call .save here to write down because it will be called at the end of the # folder or resource constructor else: if is None: # Anonymous resource i = 1 new_name = contents.RESOURCE_TYPE + str(i) # Resolve naming conflicts if necessary while rns_client.exists(self.path + "/" + new_name): i += 1 new_name = contents.RESOURCE_TYPE + str(i) else: new_name = # NOTE For intercloud transfer, we should use Skyplane with self.fsspec_url + "/" + new_name, **self.data_config ) as dest: with contents.fsspec_url, **contents.data_config ) as src: # NOTE For packages, maybe use the `ignore` param here to only copy python files. shutil.move(src, dest) return if not isinstance(contents, dict): raise TypeError( "`files` argument to `.put` must be Resource, list of Resources, or dict mapping " "filenames to file-like-objects" ) if overwrite is False: folder_contents = self.resources() intersection = set(folder_contents).intersection(set(contents.keys())) if intersection != set(): raise FileExistsError( f"File(s) {intersection} already exist(s) at path" f"{self.path}, cannot save them without overwriting." ) # TODO figure out default behavior for not overwriting but still saving # if not overwrite: # time ='%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') # self.data_url = self.data_url + time or time filenames = list(contents) fss_files = fsspec.open_files( self.fsspec_url + "/*", mode=mode, **self.data_config, num=len(contents), name_function=filenames.__getitem__, ) for (fss_file, raw_file) in zip(fss_files, contents.values()): with fss_file as f: if write_fn is not None: write_fn(raw_file, f) else: f.write(raw_file)
@staticmethod def _bucket_name_from_path(path: str) -> str: """Extract the bucket name from a path (e.g. '/my-bucket/my-folder/my-file.txt' -> 'my-bucket')""" return Path(path).parts[1]