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Source code for runhouse.resources.envs.conda_env

import logging
import shlex
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from runhouse.globals import obj_store

from runhouse.resources.packages import Package

from .env import Env
from .utils import _install_conda

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CondaEnv(Env): RESOURCE_TYPE = "env"
[docs] def __init__( self, conda_yaml: Union[str, Dict], name: Optional[str] = None, reqs: List[Union[str, Package]] = [], setup_cmds: List[str] = None, env_vars: Optional[Dict] = {}, working_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = "./", dryrun: bool = True, **kwargs, # We have this here to ignore extra arguments when calling from_config ): """ Runhouse CondaEnv object. .. note:: To create a CondaEnv, please use the factory methods :func:`env` or :func:`conda_env`. """ self.reqs = reqs self.conda_yaml = conda_yaml # dict representing conda env super().__init__( name=name, reqs=reqs, setup_cmds=setup_cmds, env_vars=env_vars, working_dir=working_dir, dryrun=dryrun, )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_config(config: dict, dryrun: bool = True): return CondaEnv(**config, dryrun=dryrun)
@property def config_for_rns(self): config = super().config_for_rns config.update({"conda_yaml": self.conda_yaml}) return config @property def env_name(self): return self.conda_yaml["name"] def _create_conda_env(self, force=False): path = "~/.rh/envs""mkdir -p {path}", shell=True) local_env_exists = f"\n{self.env_name} " in subprocess.check_output( shlex.split("conda info --envs"), shell=False ).decode("utf-8") yaml_exists = (Path(path).expanduser() / f"{self.env_name}.yml").exists() if force or not (yaml_exists and local_env_exists): python_commands = "; ".join( [ "import yaml", "from pathlib import Path", f"path = Path('{path}').expanduser()", f"yaml.dump({self.conda_yaml}, open(path / '{self.env_name}.yml', 'w'))", ] )'python -c "{python_commands}"', shell=True) if not local_env_exists: f"conda env create -f {path}/{self.env_name}.yml", shell=True ) if f"\n{self.env_name} " not in subprocess.check_output( shlex.split("conda info --envs"), shell=False ).decode("utf-8"): raise RuntimeError( f"conda env {self.env_name} not created properly." )
[docs] def install(self, force=False): """Locally install packages and run setup commands.""" if not ["python" in dep for dep in self.conda_yaml["dependencies"]]: base_python_version = ( subprocess.check_output(shlex.split("python --version"), shell=False) .decode("utf-8") .split()[1] ) self.conda_yaml["dependencies"].append(f"python=={base_python_version}") if"conda --version")) != 0: _install_conda() local_env_exists = f"\n{self.env_name} " in subprocess.check_output( shlex.split("conda info --envs"), shell=False ).decode("utf-8") # Hash the config_for_rns to check if we need to create/install the conda env env_config = self.config_for_rns # Remove the name because auto-generated names will be different, but the installed components are the same env_config.pop("name") install_hash = hash(str(env_config)) # Check the existing hash if local_env_exists and install_hash in obj_store.installed_envs and not force:"Env already installed, skipping") return obj_store.installed_envs[install_hash] = self._create_conda_env() if self.reqs: for package in self.reqs: if isinstance(package, str): pkg = Package.from_string(package) elif hasattr(package, "_install"): pkg = package else: raise ValueError(f"package {package} not recognized")"Installing package: {str(pkg)}") pkg._install(self) return ([f"{self._activate_cmd} && {self.setup_cmds.join(' && ')}"]) if self.setup_cmds else None )
@property def _run_cmd(self): """Command prefix to run on Conda Env.""" return f"conda run -n {self.env_name}" @property def _activate_cmd(self): """Command to activate Conda Env.""" return f"conda activate {self.env_name}"