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Source code for runhouse.resources.functions.aws_lambda

import base64
import contextlib
import copy
import importlib
import inspect
import json
import time
import warnings
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

    import boto3
    import botocore.exceptions
except ImportError:

from runhouse.globals import rns_client
from runhouse.logger import get_logger
from runhouse.resources.envs import _get_env_from, Env
from runhouse.resources.functions.function import Function

CRED_PATH = f"{Path.home()}/.aws/credentials"
LOG_GROUP_PREFIX = "/aws/lambda/"

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class LambdaFunction(Function): RESOURCE_TYPE = "lambda_function" DEFAULT_ACCESS = "write" DEFAULT_ROLE_POLICIES = [ "cloudwatch:*", "lambda:Invoke", "lambda:InvokeAsync", "lambda:InvokeFunction", "lambda:PublishVersion", "logs:*", "s3:DeleteObject", "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListBucket", "s3:PutObject", "kms:Decrypt", ] MAX_WAIT_TIME = 60 # seconds, max time that can pass before we raise an exception that AWS update takes too long. DEFAULT_REGION = "us-east-1" DEFAULT_RETENTION = 30 # one month, for lambdas log groups. DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 900 # sec. meaning 15 min. DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE = 10240 # MB DEFAULT_TMP_SIZE = 10240 # MB, meaning 10G HOME_DIR = "/tmp/home" SUPPORTED_RUNTIMES = [ "python3.7", "python3.8", "python3.9", "python3.10", "python3.11", ] DEFAULT_PY_VERSION = "python3.9"
[docs] def __init__( self, paths_to_code: List[str], handler_function_name: str, runtime: str, fn_pointers: tuple, name: str, env: Env, timeout: int, # seconds memory_size: int, # MB tmp_size: int, # MB retention_time: int = DEFAULT_RETENTION, # days dryrun: bool = False, access: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, # We have this here to ignore extra arguments when calling from from_config ): """ Runhouse AWS Lambda object. It is comprised of the entry point, configuration, and dependencies necessary to run the service on AWS infra. .. note:: To create an AWS lambda resource, please use the factory method :func:`aws_lambda_fn`. """ super().__init__( name=name, dryrun=dryrun, system=self.RESOURCE_TYPE, env=env, fn_pointers=fn_pointers, access=access or self.DEFAULT_ACCESS, **kwargs, ) self.local_path_to_code = paths_to_code self.handler_function_name = handler_function_name self.runtime = runtime self.timeout = timeout self.memory_size = memory_size self.tmp_size = tmp_size self.aws_lambda_config = ( None # Lambda config and role arn from aws will be saved here ) self.retention_time = retention_time self.args_names = LambdaFunction.extract_args_from_file( paths_to_code, handler_function_name ) # set-up in order to prevent read timeout during lambda invocations config = botocore.config.Config(read_timeout=900, connect_timeout=900) # will be used for reloading shared functions from other regions. function_arn = ( kwargs.get("function_arn") if "function_arn" in kwargs.keys() else None ) if function_arn: region = function_arn.split(":")[3] self.lambda_client = boto3.client( "lambda", region_name=region, config=config ) self.logs_client = boto3.client("logs", region_name=region) else: if Path(CRED_PATH).is_file(): self.lambda_client = boto3.client("lambda", config=config) self.logs_client = boto3.client("logs") else: self.lambda_client = boto3.client( "lambda", region_name=self.DEFAULT_REGION ) self.logs_client = boto3.client("logs", region_name=self.DEFAULT_REGION) self.iam_client = boto3.client("iam")
# -------------------------------------- # Constructor helper methods # --------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def from_config( cls, config: dict, dryrun: bool = False, _resolve_children: bool = True ): if "resource_subtype" in config.keys(): config.pop("resource_subtype", None) if "system" in config.keys(): config.pop("system", None) keys = config.keys() if "fn_pointers" not in keys: config["fn_pointers"] = None if "timeout" not in keys: config["timeout"] = LambdaFunction.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT if "memory_size" not in keys: config["memory_size"] = LambdaFunction.DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE if "env" not in keys: config["env"] = Env( reqs=[], env_vars={"HOME": LambdaFunction.HOME_DIR}, ) else: config["env"] = Env.from_config( config["env"], _resolve_children=_resolve_children ) return LambdaFunction(**config, dryrun=dryrun).deploy()
[docs] @classmethod def from_name( cls, name, load_from_den: bool = True, dryrun: bool = False, _alt_options: Dict = None, _resolve_children: bool = True, ): config = rns_client.load_config(name=name, load_from_den=load_from_den) if not config: raise ValueError(f"Could not find a Lambda called {name}.") return cls.from_config(config, _resolve_children=_resolve_children)
[docs] @classmethod def from_handler_file( cls, paths_to_code: List[str], handler_function_name: str, name: Optional[str] = None, env: Optional[Union[Dict, List[str], Env]] = None, runtime: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, memory_size: Optional[int] = None, tmp_size: Optional[int] = None, retention_time: Optional[int] = None, dryrun: bool = False, ): """ Creates an AWS Lambda function from a Python file. Args: paths_to_code: (Optional[List[str]]): List of the FULL paths to the Python code file(s) that should be sent to AWS Lambda. First path in the list should be the path to the handler file which contains the main (handler) function. If ``fn`` is provided, this argument is ignored. handler_function_name: (Optional[str]): The name of the function in the handler file that will be executed by the Lambda. If ``fn`` is provided, this argument is ignored. runtime: (Optional[str]): The coding language of the function. Should be one of the following: python3.7, python3.8, python3.9, python3.10, python3.11. (Default: ``python3.9``) name (Optional[str]): Name of the Lambda Function to create or retrieve. This can be either from a local config or from the RNS. env (Optional[Dict or List[str] or Env]): Specifies the requirements that will be installed, and the environment vars that should be attached to the Lambda. Accepts three possible types: 1. A dict which should contain the following keys: reqs: a list of the python libraries, to be installed by the Lambda, or just a ``requirements.txt``string. env_vars: dictionary containing the env_vars that will be a part of the lambda configuration. 2. A list of strings, containing all the required python packages. 3. An instance of Runhouse Env class. By default, ``runhouse`` package will be installed, and env_vars will include ``{HOME: /tmp/home}``. timeout (Optional[int]) The maximum amount of time (in seconds) during which the Lambda will run in AWS without timing-out. (Default: ``900``, Min: ``3``, Max: ``900``) memory_size (Optional[int]), The amount of memory (in MB) to be allocated to the Lambda. (Default: ``10240``, Min: ``128``, Max: ``10240``) tmp_size (Optional[int]), This size of the /tmp folder in the aws lambda file system. (Default: ``10240``, Min: ``512``, Max: ``10240``). retention_time (Optional[int]) The time (in days) the Lambda execution logs will be saved in AWS cloudwatch. After that, they will be deleted. (Default: ``30`` days) dryrun (bool): Whether to create the Function if it doesn't exist, or load the Function object as a dryrun. (Default: ``False``). Returns: LambdaFunction: The resulting AWS Lambda Function object. Example: >>> # >>> def summer(a, b): >>> return a + b >>> # your 'main' python file, where you are using runhouse >>> summer_lambda = rh.LambdaFunction.from_handler_file( >>> paths_to_code=['/full/path/to/'], >>> handler_function_name = 'summer', >>> runtime = 'python3.9', >>> name="my_func").save() >>> # invoking the function >>> summer_res = summer_lambda(5, 8) # returns 13. """ if name is None: name = handler_function_name.replace(".", "_") env = LambdaFunction._validate_and_create_env(env) ( paths_to_code, env, runtime, timeout, memory_size, tmp_size, retention_time, ) = LambdaFunction.arguments_validation( paths_to_code, env, runtime, timeout, memory_size, tmp_size, retention_time ) new_function = LambdaFunction( fn_pointers=None, paths_to_code=paths_to_code, handler_function_name=handler_function_name, runtime=runtime, name=name, env=env, dryrun=dryrun, timeout=timeout, memory_size=memory_size, tmp_size=tmp_size, retention_time=retention_time, ) if dryrun: return new_function return new_function.deploy()
# -------------------------------------- # Private helping methods # -------------------------------------- # Arguments validation and arguments creation methods @classmethod def _validate_and_create_env(cls, env: Optional[Env] = None): """ Validates the passed env argument, and creates a Runhouse env instance if needed. Args: env (Optional[Env]): The environment to validate and create. Returns: Env: a Runhouse env object """ if env is not None and not isinstance(env, Env): original_env = copy.deepcopy(env) if isinstance(original_env, dict) and "env_vars" in original_env.keys(): env = _get_env_from(env["reqs"]) or Env(working_dir="./") elif isinstance(original_env, str): env = _get_env_from(env) else: env = _get_env_from(env) or Env(working_dir="./") if env is None: env = Env( reqs=[], env_vars={"HOME": cls.HOME_DIR}, ) if isinstance(env, Env) and "HOME" not in env.env_vars.keys(): env.env_vars["HOME"] = cls.HOME_DIR return env @classmethod def extract_args_from_file(cls, paths_to_code, handler_function_name): file_path = paths_to_code[0] name = file_path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, file_path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) # Extract the function and its arguments func = getattr(module, handler_function_name, None) args_names = inspect.getfullargspec(func).args warnings.warn( f"Arguments names were not provided. Extracted the following args names: {args_names}." ) return args_names @classmethod def arguments_validation( cls, paths_to_code, env, runtime, timeout, memory_size, tmp_size, retention_time ): if isinstance(env, str) and "requirements.txt" in env: paths_to_code.append(Path(env).absolute()) if runtime is None or runtime not in LambdaFunction.SUPPORTED_RUNTIMES: warnings.warn( f"{runtime} is not a supported by AWS Lambda. Setting runtime to python3.9." ) runtime = LambdaFunction.DEFAULT_PY_VERSION if timeout is None: warnings.warn("Timeout set to 15 min.") timeout = LambdaFunction.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT else: if (env.reqs is not None or len(env.reqs) > 0) and timeout < 600: warnings.warn( "Increasing the timeout to 600 sec, in order to enable the packages setup." ) timeout = 600 if timeout > 900: timeout = 900 warnings.warn( "Timeout can not be more then 900 sec, setting to 900 sec." ) if timeout < 3: timeout = 3 warnings.warn("Timeout can not be less then 3 sec, setting to 3 sec.") if memory_size is None: warnings.warn("Memory size set to 10 GB.") memory_size = LambdaFunction.DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE else: if ( env.reqs is not None or len(env.reqs) > 0 ) and memory_size < LambdaFunction.DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE: warnings.warn( "Increasing the memory size to 10240 MB, in order to enable the packages setup." ) memory_size = LambdaFunction.DEFAULT_MEMORY_SIZE if memory_size < 128: memory_size = 128 warnings.warn( "Memory size can not be less then 128 MB, setting to 128 MB." ) if memory_size > 10240: memory_size = 10240 warnings.warn( "Memory size can not be more then 10240 MB, setting to 10240 MB." ) if tmp_size is None or tmp_size < LambdaFunction.DEFAULT_TMP_SIZE: warnings.warn( "Setting /tmp size to 10GB, in order to enable the packages setup." ) tmp_size = LambdaFunction.DEFAULT_TMP_SIZE elif tmp_size > 10240: tmp_size = 10240 warnings.warn( "/tmp size can not be more then 10240 MB, setting to 10240 MB." ) if retention_time is None: retention_time = LambdaFunction.DEFAULT_RETENTION return ( paths_to_code, env, runtime, timeout, memory_size, tmp_size, retention_time, ) def _lambda_exist(self, name): """Checks if a Lambda with the name given during init is already exists in AWS""" try: aws_lambda = self.lambda_client.get_function(FunctionName=name) return aws_lambda except self.lambda_client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: return False @contextlib.contextmanager def _wait_until_lambda_update_is_finished(self, name): """Verifies that a running update of the function (in AWS) is finished (so the next one could be executed)""" time_passed = 0 # seconds response = self.lambda_client.get_function(FunctionName=name) state = response["Configuration"]["State"] == "Active" try: last_update_status = ( response["Configuration"]["LastUpdateStatus"] != "InProgress" ) except KeyError: last_update_status = False while True: if state and last_update_status: break else: if time_passed > self.MAX_WAIT_TIME: raise TimeoutError( f"Lambda function called {name} is being deployed in AWS for too long. " + " Please check the resource in AWS console, delete relevant resource(s) " + "if necessary, and re-run your Runhouse code." ) time.sleep(1) time_passed += 1 response = self.lambda_client.get_function(FunctionName=name) state = response["Configuration"]["State"] == "Active" try: last_update_status = ( response["Configuration"]["LastUpdateStatus"] != "InProgress" ) except KeyError: last_update_status = False yield True def _rh_wrapper(self): """Creates a runhouse wrapper to the handler function""" handler_path = self.local_path_to_code[0] wrapper_path = str(Path(handler_path).parent / f"rh_handler_{}.py") handler_name = Path(handler_path).stem Path(handler_path).touch() f = open(wrapper_path, "w") f.write("import subprocess\n" "import sys\n" "import os\n\n") f.write("def lambda_handler(event, context):\n") f.write(f"\tif not os.path.isdir('{self.HOME_DIR}'):\n") f.write(f"\t\tos.mkdir('{self.HOME_DIR}')\n") # adding code for installing python libraries if isinstance(self.env, str): f.write( "\['pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt'," + " '--ignore-installed', '-t', '{self.HOME_DIR}/'])\n" f"\tif not os.path.isdir('{self.HOME_DIR}/runhouse'):\n" f"\t\['pip', 'install', 'runhouse', '-t', '{self.HOME_DIR}/'])\n" f"\tsys.path.insert(1, '{self.HOME_DIR}/')\n\n" ) else: reqs = self.env.reqs if "runhouse" not in reqs: reqs.append("runhouse") if "./" in reqs: reqs.remove("./") for req in reqs: req = req.split() dir_name = req[0] if len(req) > 1: req = "".join("'%s', " % str(s) for s in req)[:-1] else: req = f"'{req[0]}'," f.write( f"\tif not os.path.isdir('{self.HOME_DIR}/{dir_name}'):\n" f"\t\['pip', 'install', {req} '-t', '{self.HOME_DIR}/'])\n" ) if reqs is not None and len(reqs) > 0: f.write(f"\tsys.path.insert(1, '{self.HOME_DIR}/')\n\n") f.write( "\timport runhouse\n" f"\tfrom {handler_name} import {self.handler_function_name}\n" "\treturn {\n" "\t\t'status_code': 200,\n" f"\t\t'body': {self.handler_function_name}(**event)\n" "\t}" ) f.close() return wrapper_path @classmethod def _supported_python_libs(cls): """Returns a list of the supported python libs by the AWS Lambda resource""" # TODO [SB]: think what is the better implementation: via website, or AWS lambda. For now it is hard-coded. supported_libs = [ "urllib3", "six", "simplejson", "s3transfer", "python-dateutil", "jmespath", "botocore", "boto3", "awslambdaric", "setuptools", "pip", ] return supported_libs def _update_lambda_config(self, env_vars): """Updates existing Lambda in AWS (config) that was provided in the init.""""Updating a Lambda called {}") lambda_config = self.lambda_client.update_function_configuration(, Runtime=self.runtime, Timeout=self.timeout, MemorySize=self.memory_size, Environment={"Variables": env_vars}, ) # TODO [SB]: in the next phase, enable for other to update the Lambda code. # wait for the config update process to finish, and then update the code (Lambda logic). with self._wait_until_lambda_update_is_finished( path = str(Path(self.local_path_to_code[0]).absolute()).split("/") path = ["/" + path_e for path_e in path] path[0] = "" zip_file_name = f"{''.join(path[:-1])}/{}" zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, mode="w") try: for file_name in self.local_path_to_code: zf.write(file_name, str(Path(file_name).name)) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error(f"Could not find {FileNotFoundError.filename}") finally: zf.close() with open(zip_file_name, "rb") as f: zipped_code = lambda_config = self.lambda_client.update_function_code(, ZipFile=zipped_code )'{lambda_config["FunctionName"]} was updated successfully.') return lambda_config def _deploy_lambda_to_aws_helper(self, role_res, zipped_code, env_vars): """Deploying new lambda to AWS helping function""" try: lambda_config = self.lambda_client.create_function(, Runtime=self.runtime, Role=role_res["Role"]["Arn"], Handler=f"rh_handler_{}.lambda_handler", Code={"ZipFile": zipped_code}, Timeout=self.timeout, MemorySize=self.memory_size, Environment={"Variables": env_vars}, EphemeralStorage={"Size": self.tmp_size}, # size of /tmp folder. ) func_name = lambda_config["FunctionName"] with self._wait_until_lambda_update_is_finished(func_name): lambda_config = self.lambda_client.get_function(FunctionName=func_name) return lambda_config except self.lambda_client.exceptions.InvalidParameterValueException or botocore.exceptions.ClientError: return False @contextlib.contextmanager def _deploy_lambda_to_aws(self, role_res, zipped_code, env_vars): """Deploying new lambda to AWS""" config = self._deploy_lambda_to_aws_helper(role_res, zipped_code, env_vars) time_passed = 0 while config is False: if time_passed > self.MAX_WAIT_TIME: raise TimeoutError( f"Role called {role_res['RoleName']} is being created AWS for too long." + " Please check the resource in AWS console, delete relevant resource(s) " + "if necessary, and re-run your Runhouse code." ) time_passed += 1 time.sleep(1) config = self._deploy_lambda_to_aws_helper(role_res, zipped_code, env_vars) yield config def _create_role_in_aws(self): """create a new role for the lambda function. If already exists - returns it.""" role_policy = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": self.DEFAULT_ROLE_POLICIES, "Resource": "*", "Effect": "Allow", } ], } assume_role_policy_document = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"Service": ""}, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", } ], } try: role_res = self.iam_client.create_role( RoleName=f"{}_Role", AssumeRolePolicyDocument=json.dumps(assume_role_policy_document), )'{role_res["Role"]["RoleName"]} was created successfully.') except self.iam_client.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException: role_res = self.iam_client.get_role(RoleName=f"{}_Role") self.iam_client.put_role_policy( RoleName=role_res["Role"]["RoleName"], PolicyName=f"{}_Policy", PolicyDocument=json.dumps(role_policy), ) return role_res def _create_new_lambda(self, env_vars): """Creates new AWS Lambda.""""Creating a new Lambda called {}") path = str(Path(self.local_path_to_code[0]).absolute()).split("/") path = ["/" + path_e for path_e in path] path[0] = "" zip_file_name = f"{''.join(path[:-1])}/{}" zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, mode="w") try: for file_name in self.local_path_to_code: zf.write(file_name, str(Path(file_name).name)) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error(f"Could not find {FileNotFoundError.filename}") finally: zf.close() with open(zip_file_name, "rb") as f: zipped_code = # creating a role for the Lambda, using default policy. # TODO [SB]: in the next phase, enable the user to update the default policy role_res = self._create_role_in_aws() with self._deploy_lambda_to_aws( role_res, zipped_code, env_vars ) as lambda_config: f'{lambda_config["Configuration"]["FunctionName"]} was created successfully.' ) Path(zip_file_name).absolute().unlink() return lambda_config def deploy(self): return def to( self, env: Optional[List[str]] = [], cloud: str = "aws_lambda", force_install: Optional[bool] = False, ): """ Set up a function on AWS as a Lambda function. See the args of the factory method :func:`aws_lambda_fn` for more information. """ # Checking if the user have a credentials file if not Path(CRED_PATH).is_file(): logger.error("No credentials found") raise FileNotFoundError("No credentials found") rh_handler_wrapper = self._rh_wrapper() self.local_path_to_code.append(rh_handler_wrapper) env_vars = ( self.env.env_vars if isinstance(self.env, Env) else {"HOME": self.HOME_DIR} ) # if function exist - return its aws config. Else, a new one will be created. lambda_config = self._lambda_exist( if not lambda_config: # creating a new Lambda function, since it's not existing in the AWS account which is configured locally. lambda_config = self._create_new_lambda(env_vars) # TODO [SB]: in the next phase, enable the user to change the config of the Lambda. # updating the configuration with the initial configuration. # lambda_config = self._update_lambda_config(env_vars) self.aws_lambda_config = lambda_config Path(rh_handler_wrapper).absolute().unlink() return self # -------------------------------------- # Lambda Function call methods # -------------------------------------- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """Call (invoke) the Lambdas function Args: *args: Optional args for the Function **kwargs: Optional kwargs for the Function Returns: The Function's return value """ return self._invoke(*args, **kwargs) def _get_log_group_names(self): lambdas_log_groups = self.logs_client.describe_log_groups( logGroupNamePrefix=LOG_GROUP_PREFIX )["logGroups"] lambdas_log_groups = [group["logGroupName"] for group in lambdas_log_groups] return lambdas_log_groups @contextlib.contextmanager def _wait_till_log_group_is_created( self, curr_lambda_log_group, lambdas_log_groups ): time_passed = 0 while curr_lambda_log_group not in lambdas_log_groups: if time_passed > self.MAX_WAIT_TIME: raise TimeoutError( f"The log group called {curr_lambda_log_group} is being deployed in AWS cloudwatch for too long. " + " Please check the resource in AWS console, delete relevant resource(s) " + "if necessary, and re-run your Runhouse code." ) time.sleep(1) lambdas_log_groups = self._get_log_group_names() time_passed += 1 yield True def _invoke(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: lambdas_log_groups = self._get_log_group_names() curr_lambda_log_group = f"{LOG_GROUP_PREFIX}{}" invoke_for_the_first_time = curr_lambda_log_group not in lambdas_log_groups payload_invoke = {} if len(args) > 0 and self.args_names is not None: payload_invoke = {self.args_names[i]: args[i] for i in range(len(args))} invoke_res = self.lambda_client.invoke(, Payload=json.dumps({**payload_invoke, **kwargs}), LogType="Tail", ) return_value = invoke_res["Payload"].read().decode("utf-8") try: logger.error(invoke_res["FunctionError"]) return_value = json.loads(return_value) raise RuntimeError( f"Failed to run {}. Error: {return_value['errorType']}, {return_value['errorMessage']}" ) except KeyError: if invoke_for_the_first_time: lambdas_log_groups = self._get_log_group_names() with self._wait_till_log_group_is_created( curr_lambda_log_group, lambdas_log_groups ): self.logs_client.put_retention_policy( logGroupName=curr_lambda_log_group, retentionInDays=self.retention_time, ) log_lines = "Function Logs are:\n" + base64.b64decode( invoke_res["LogResult"] ).decode("utf-8") print(log_lines) return_value = json.loads(return_value)["body"] return return_value
[docs] def map(self, *args, **kwargs): """Map a function over a list of arguments. Example: >>> # The file >>> def my_summer(arg1, arg2, arg3): >>> return arg1 + arg2 + arg3 >>> >>> # your 'main' python file, where you are using runhouse >>> summer_lambda = rh.aws_lambda_fn( >>> fn=my_summer, >>> runtime = 'python3.9', >>> name="my_func") >>> output =[1, 2], [1, 4], [2, 3]) # output = [4, 9] """ return [self._invoke(*args, **kwargs) for args in zip(*args)]
[docs] def starmap(self, args_lists, **kwargs): """Like :func:`map` except that the elements of the iterable are expected to be iterables that are unpacked as arguments. An iterable of [(1,2), (3, 4)] results in [func(1,2), func(3,4)]. Example: >>> arg_list = [(1,2, 3), (3, 4, 5)] >>> # invokes the Lambda function twice, once with args (1, 2, 3) and once with args (3, 4, 5) >>> output = summer_lambda.starmap(arg_list) # output = [6, 12] """ return [self._invoke(*args, **kwargs) for args in args_lists]
# -------------------------------------- # Lambda Function delete methods # --------------------------------------
[docs] def teardown(self): """Deletes a Lambda function instance from AWS. All relevant AWS resources (role, log group) are deleted as well. Example: >>> def multiply(a, b): >>> return a * b >>> multiply_lambda = rh.aws_lambda_fn(fn=multiply, name="lambdas_mult_func") >>> mult_res = multiply_lambda(4, 5) # returns 20. >>> multiply_lambda.teardown() # returns true if succeeded, raises an exception otherwise. """ try: lambda_name = # delete from aws console if self._lambda_exist(lambda_name): policy_name = f"{lambda_name}_Policy" role_name = f"{lambda_name}_Role" log_group_name = f"/aws/lambda/{lambda_name}" # TODO: do we want to delete role and log group? # maybe we want to reuse the role or save logs even if the lambda was deleted. self.iam_client.delete_role_policy( RoleName=role_name, PolicyName=policy_name ) self.iam_client.delete_role(RoleName=role_name) log_groups = self._get_log_group_names() if len(log_groups) > 0 and log_group_name in log_groups: self.logs_client.delete_log_group(logGroupName=log_group_name) self.lambda_client.delete_function(FunctionName=lambda_name) return True except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as aws_exception: raise RuntimeError( f"Could nor delete an AWS resource, got {aws_exception.response['Error']['Message']}" )
[docs] def config(self, condensed=True): config = super().config(condensed) config.update( { "paths_to_code": self.local_path_to_code, "handler_function_name": self.handler_function_name, "runtime": self.runtime, "timeout": self.timeout, "memory_size": self.memory_size, "tmp_size": self.tmp_size, "args_names": self.args_names, "function_arn": self.aws_lambda_config["Configuration"]["FunctionArn"], } ) return config
# -------------------------------------- # Properties setup # -------------------------------------- @property def handler_path(self): return self.local_path_to_code[0]